The Star Trek Role-Playing Network, or TrekRPGNet, was created in 1998 by Don Mappin as an independent repository of information for the then-recently-released Star Trek: The Next Generation RPG by Last Unicorn Games.
Last Unicorn Games published a number of supplements and additional RPGs set in the Star Trek universe before being purchased by Wizards of the Coast in 2000. Shortly afterwards the Star Trek role-playing license was then transferred to Decipher, Inc. Fast-forward to the 2002 and Decipher is releasing the latest iteration of the Star Trek RPG.
A process was initiated in mid 2003 to make TrekRPGNet an official Coda site, and all of the Icon content was transferred over to Memory ICON where it is now hosted. The web site, except the forums, was closed down for reconstruction. The merger was aborted, and TrekRPGNet carried on as an independent and unofficial site.
During the later half of 2004 a new owner took over the administrator chair and begun yet a new rebuild of the site. Now with with the intention to support all systems for role-playing in the Star Trek setting.
The old web site have now been put back up, while the work on the new web site continues. Thanks to Owen E. Oulton and Memory ICON, the Icon material are available here at TrekRPGNet again.
TrekRPGNet continues to sail on under its original mission to provide a comprehensive repository of information for Star Trek role-playing. These works include official and fan-created material, Netbooks, visual aids, and a community for those interested in Star Trek role-playing.
Star Trek® and everything that has anything to do with Star Trek® and all related marks (, ©, & ®) is property of Paramount Pictures, a Viacom Company.
Star Trek: The Roleplaying Game Player's Guide and Narrator's Guide and all related marks are & © 2002 Decipher, Inc.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Role Playing Game, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Role Playing Game, Star Trek The Role Playing Game, the Last Unicorn Logo, and all related merchandise are property of Wizards of the Coast.
All other work is the property of individual authors and may not be reproduced without permission. Graphic renderings (Galaxy, Vor'Cha, Negh'Var, Borg Cube, Keldon, & D'deridex) courtesy of Doug Shuler. Voayger mesh by Sarod & Fabio. Original TrekRPGNet logo concept by C. Wilson Trull.
All HTML code, layout, and custom images is property of TrekRPGNet and Don Mappin and may not be reproduced without permission.
No infringement of copyrights, trademarks, or intellectual property is intended by this web site.
The TrekRPGNet web site is not to be confused with RPGnet and no infringement is intended.
This web site is not operated by or in conjunction with Paramount Pictures, Viacom, RPGnet, Wizards of the Coast, or Decipher, Inc. They are not responsible for any content on this site or its accuracy. DISCLAIMER: "THIS WEB SITE IS NOT PRODUCED OR ENDORSED BY DECIPHER, INC.
This web site is totally non-profit and exists for the expressed purpose of promoting Star Trek®, Star Trek: The Next Generation Role Playing Game and the interests of role-players everywhere.