Welcome Communicators!

Stardate 0722.02
TrekRPGNet is currently featured in the latest issue of Star Trek Communicator as the best resource for Star Trek RPGs, including the new Star Trek RPG by Decipher. For those that may be visiting TrekRPGNet for the first time, here is a quick list of our features and content supplied by visitors like you:

In the coming months we will also be moving to an entirely new design that will allow us to support the various Star Trek RPG incarnations easier, including the new Coda System by Decipher.

Welcome aboard!

Update: Woot! Steve Long's most-excellent and latest ship recognition manual, SRMv4: Starships of the Original Series Era. Many thanks to Steve Long for his continuing contributions to the Star Trek RPG community! You may download the file here and discuss it here.

Don Mappin

Stardate 0429.02
The Player's Guide is out and many of you may have a few questions regarding the new system, or curious about some of the changes. Fortunately
we've got a number of resources to help you here at TrekRPGNet:

Stardate 0425.02
The Player's Guide has been spotted in several local gaming stores and online! There are a few avenues for picking the game up:

Decipher, Inc.
Gamer's Attic
Hastur Hobbies (877-427-8877 or 801-352-2605 ) As an added bonus, if you ask them to hold it for 24 hours I'll come down and sign your copy. ;)

Also, our forum has been buzzing with activity over the new release! Stop by and converse with other new fellow Coda players and the designers! A thread with errata and clarifications has also been started here.

TrekRPGNet--your one-stop for the new RPG!

Don Mappin

Star Trek® and everything that has anything to do with Star Trek® and all related marks (™, ©, & ®) is property of Paramount Pictures, a Viacom Company.

Star Trek: The Roleplaying Game Player's Guide and Narrator's Guide and all related marks are ™ & © 2002 Decipher, Inc.