New Advantage: Instinctive Astrogation
By John H. McCullough

Instinctive Astrogation (+6)
Instinctive astrogation is an extremely rare natural ability. A person who possesses this advantage has an innate sense of his own position in the universe. It has been suspected to be linked to a psionic ability, but it has manifested itself in beings who otherwise have no psionic talents.

Beings with this advantage gain a +4 to rolls to determine their position in space, with or without sensors. It effectively acts as a skill, granting a bonus to the roll and not the number of dice to be rolled. It should be noted that this advantage should not be used as a replacement for the navigational computers on board a ship, because it can be blocked. It is suspected that extreme electromagnetic fields can "fuzz" or even block this ability.

Author's Notes
I would like to tip my hat to Peter David, who gave the inspiration for this advantage in his New Frontier series.

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