Adventure - "Conquest’s Tools"
by Dave Biggins

From 2156-2160, a war raged between Earth and the Romulan Star Empire that did not end until the Romulans lost the disastrous Battle of Cheron. From that point on, except for the Tomed Incident, a tenuous peace existed between the Federation and the Romulans. Unknown to either side, a group of humans and Romulans still fight the war, deep in the caverns of a Class F planet in orbit of Uiono’s Star. They have been fighting for the past two hundred years. This adventure is an adaptation of William Forschein’s The Forgotten War to the Neutral Zone Campaign. For those who have not read the book, I would describe this adventure as "a little more science, a little more Trek, a lot less Clancy, and a lot less Kipling."

The only book actually required to run this adventure is the Star Trek: The Next Generation Role Playing Game Core Rules. A Fragile Peace: The Neutral Zone Campaign Vol. 1 and The Way of D’era: The Romulan Star Empire are also nice to have for background. 


In the year 2156, the Romulan Star Empire brazenly told the forces of Earth to stay out of a large swath of space. Negotiations rebuffed, the United Earth Space Probe Agency (UESPA) sent the U.S.S. Armstrong to intentionally violate that area. When it reached Uiono’s Star, the Armstrong was attacked and destroyed by a Romulan fleet armed with atomic weapons, but not before destroying one of the Romulan vessels, the Radix. All hands from both ships were assumed lost. The assumption was incorrect. Both sides found refuge in the caverns beneath a Class F world, which remarkably enough possessed the correct air mixture for both the humans and Romulans to survive. Each following their respective war, they continued the battle in troglodyte warfare for the past two hundred years, unknown to either the United Federation of Planets or the Romulan Star Empire.


The characters’ ship is assigned to transport a Romulan scientist by the name of Doctor Suklar to the U.S.S. Montgomery studying of Collapsar 49.  Along the way they pass by Uiono’s Star where, by sheer luck, one of the crewmembers discovers the remains of the U.S.S. Armstrong in orbit of a Class F world.  After a brief investigation of the ship, the planet below is rocked by the implosion of a gravimetric bomb.  The characters learn that the descendants of the survivors live below the surface of the planet, carrying on a 200 year long war.

The characters encounter both sides and learn that the only thing that has kept the two sides against each other has been their now culturally ingrained animosity for each other.  The standard Away Team meets with a borderline feral human faction while Dr. Suklar and a disguised character meet with the Romulans.  The two sides attempt to force the hands of the Away Teams.  On top of that, the characters learn that the Romulans have a second gravimetric bomb.  To make matters even worse, the initial gravimetric explosion attracts the attention a Romulan Warbird intent on joining the fray.

The characters find themselves having to trust a Romulan scientist, deactivate a bomb, and end a hostility that has been going on for the past two hundred years.

Receptive Telepathy and Empathy Tests

Except where noted, all Telepathic and Empathic tests are made at Difficult (13) Difficulty.

Adapting the Adventure for Other Campaigns

This adventure is also usable for other campaigns.  Suggestions on how to adapt the adventure are described below.

Best of luck, and if you have any questions at all, you can contact me at or the message boards at


Captain’s Log, Stardate 48173.9: The [ship’s name] has been assigned to transport Dr. Suklar, a prominent Romulan expert on quantum singularities, to the U.S.S. Montgomery, currently conducting a study of Collapsar 49. Although I applaud the open sharing of any scientific knowledge, I can’t help but to think of the Smith Gambit in chess where the pawn is used to lure a bishop to a hidden knight.

The first scene takes place in the transporter room of the characters’ ship.  The group to greet Doctor Suklar should, at the very least, be the Captain.  Other officers present are acceptable as well.  Having him greeted with the captain backed up by a security team, however, is a definite breach of etiquette.  Having the science officer present, on the other hand, is an excellent way to establish the beginning of a rapport with the Romulan scientist.

On the Captain’s order, the transporter chief will beam Dr. Suklar from the Haralian transport ship to the ship of the characters.  A character making a Culture (Romulan) Test at Routine (4) Difficulty will know the polite Romulan greeting is “Jolan Tru”.

Regardless of how he is greeted, Dr. Suklar will return the greeting by first asking the captain permission to come aboard.  After that, he extends an Earth handshake to everyone he is introduced to.  A character making a Perception Test at Routine (4) Difficulty will notice a signet ring upon his finger.  A Culture (Romulan) Test at Challenging (10) Difficulty will tell the character that the ring he wears shows him to be a member of the Marrus family, a prominent group of aristocrats involved in mercantile exchange and science.  If asked about this, Dr. Suklar will pleasantly confirm this, impressed with the character’s knowledge of Romulus.  If he or she doesn’t recognize the signet ring but makes an inquiry about it, Doctor Suklar will explain the significance of it in a friendly, albeit off-handed, manner.

As the initial greeting is occurring in the transporter room, the characters' ship is passing by Uiono’s Star.  Have a character or non-player character manning the Science station on the bridge make a Shipboard Systems (Sensors) Test at Moderate (8) Difficulty.  If successful, he or she notices a derelict in orbit of the first planet.  If he or she decides to call up information on the system and planet, give him or her Handouts 1 and 2 pending a successful Computer (Research) Test made at Routine (4) Difficulty.  A character going in for a closer scan of the wreckage can determine that there are two distinct ships, with only one nearly intact.  The first can be identified as an early Earth Daedalus-class vessel.  The second cannot be readily identified.  Only the differing alloys can distinguish the wreckage.  The wreckage covers an arc of some 900 kilometers.

In the event that the character fails that test, have the ship hit by debris (cosmetic damage only).  Characters who investigate this will find a part of a ship’s hull stenciled with the words U.S.S. Armstrong.

If he or she makes a successful History (Human) Test at Routine (5) Difficulty, he or she will remember that the U.S.S. Armstrong under the command of Captain Tosho Yamamoto was lost in this sector some two hundred years ago during the Earth-Romulan War.  If Dr. Suklar is called in for consultation, he can identify some of the debris as Romulan.  He will even go so far as to tentatively identify the Romulan parts as belonging to the Radix, a Tellus-class vessel reported lost in the same time period.

If a character does a direct scan of the Armstrong, he or she will realize that the bridge is still intact.  Artificial gravity and air is nonexistent.  If this information is brought to the captain (if an NPC), he will order a slight deviation in course and order the First Officer to put an Away Team together to investigate the derelict.

Characters transporting onto the ship will find the captain’s chair stands empty.  In front of the captain’s chair are the helm and navigation consoles.  The navigation console is charred black, it’s plastic keys melted.

A skeleton floats about in an almost fetal ball.  A character making a Medical Science (Human or Forensics) Test at Routine (4) difficulty will note that the position is consistent with someone having burned to death.  The skeleton will be identified as human female.

The Computers register a security lockout.  A character making a Security (Security Systems) Test at Routine (4) Difficulty will note that if the incorrect pass code is given, all the data in the computer systems will be dumped.  Getting past the lockout will require the same Test or a Computer (Data Alteration/Hacking) Test at Moderate (7) Difficulty.  Although the code was known only to select members of the Armstrong, The characters can find the general algorithms in the computer banks of their own ships.

In the midst of these investigations, the characters' ship will hail them.  The captain (or whoever has the bridge) will have new information to report.  Scanning the whole ship, they found only 15 bodies out of the 165 that were assigned to the ship.  Taking decomposition and the possibility of bodies being pulled into the atmosphere of the planet, there should be at least forty.

After they get back, have one of the characters either at Tactical or Science note an implosion on the planet below, covering a circumference of nearly a kilometer.  With a successful Shipboard Systems (Sensors) Test at Routine (4) Difficulty, the character will determine the exact location where it was detonated.  A character analyzing the data needs to make a Space Science (Astrophysics) Test at Moderate (7) Difficulty to note that the radiation is consistent with a black hole in its last stages of existence.  It was detonated 100 meters below the surface of the planet.


After the implosion, the communications or tactical officer will detect a garbled signal.  Due to the interference caused by the electromagnetic pulse, it will require a successful Extended Shipboard Systems (Communication) Test at Moderate (7) Difficulty to decipher.  The goal is to score a total of twenty-one points.  Once the interference in cleaned up, a voice will call over the communication band, “The Romulans have the bomb!  The Romulans have the bomb!  God save Earth!”

If anybody questions why they heard no previous broadcasts, a Shipboard Systems (Communication) Test at Routine (4) Difficulty will note that the signal is a radio signal originating from at least 50 meters below the Earth’s crust.  Characters who make a Routine (4) System Engineering (Communication) Test will note that a signal at that depth would definitely silence most traffic with the heavens.  Characters who try to trace the transmission back to its origin will find that it lies near the planet’s south pole with a Routine (4) Shipboard Systems (Sensors) Test. 

Characters can deduce that somewhere, the descendants of the two crews are still fighting their own little war.  The captain (if he is an NPC) will want to discuss this issue at length.  If Doctor Suklar hasn’t been briefed on this matter yet, the captain will invite his observations and input.  The captain will state his feelings that they have a moral obligation to intervene and end this conflict. 

This, of course, should be role-played out.  If players are having difficulty coming up with input, the following points can be addressed with the proper skill rolls.

After the characters offer their input, it will come to Doctor Suklar’s decision (described in LCARS 1.2), and things will go to Hell from there. His first action will be to cite the Prime Directive, stating that this war occurred before the founding of the United Federation of Planets and the conflict below is not one for Starfleet to get involved in.  His real reason, which he does not mention, is the fact that he believes the discovery of this conflict could cause problems in Romulan-Federation relations.  A Betazoid or other telepathic character can detect this with a successful Receptive Telepathy Test.  A Receptive Empathy Test shows a curious mixture of alarm and concern.

If the characters prod him further, he will state that the Romulans below had failed in their mission in destroying the U.S.S. Armstrong, and in doing so, they are outcasts to Romulan society.  He will go further to state that the Romulan Star Empire will take a rather dim view toward Starfleet intervention.

A character making a Culture (Romulan) Test at Challenging (10) Difficulty will note that such an edict does not match what is known of the Romulan psyche.  A successful Receptive Empathy or Telepathy Test will know that this is a bald faced lie, that Doctor Suklar is emotionally overwhelmed by the events (especially after the bomb), and that he needs some time to think this over.  Asking for a “time out” in this discourse would be a viewed as a sign of weakness in Romulan society--this makes Doctor Suklar’s attitude only worse.  The best thing to do would be to give Doctor Suklar some time alone.

Regardless of Doctor Suklar’s input (and veiled threat), the captain might proceed with enforcing a cease-fire with or without the help of Doctor Suklar.  Upon hearing this, Doctor Suklar will storm out.  The captain knows that cooperation with the Romulan government is critical, so he will assign one of the characters to talk this over with Doctor Suklar once he has calmed down. 

He will also instruct another character to hail the planet below.  Adapting the ship’s communication array so that it can be received by radio will take some doing, but the task is far from impossible.  A Systems Engineering (Communications) Test at Routine (4) Difficulty should do the trick.  Hailing the planet below will require a Shipboard Systems (Communications) Test at Moderate (7) Difficulty.

Once the characters reach the humans below, the signal will be forwarded to their leader, Gilgamesh Yamamoto.  He will view the call first with disbelief and then with adulation.  He will agree immediately to discuss a cease-fire with the Romulans.  In his mind, a “cease-fire” means that the characters will wipe out the Romulans below entirely.  He will agree to meet with an Away Team, providing coordinates.  It will require a Receptive Telepathy Test at Nearly Impossible (18) Difficulty to note that Yamamoto is thinking of something completely different than the characters.  A successive Receptive Empathy Test at the same difficulty will allow the same realization.


After he has been given time to cool off, a character may approach Doctor Suklar.  Discussing something besides the matter at hand is a good way to get him to open up.  The more a character knows about science (especially quantum singularities), the easier he or she will have in getting Doctor Suklar to open.  He states to the character that a race’s pursuit of science should be used to the benefit of that people, alluding to the use of harnessing the power of a quantum singularity.  He asks for the character’s view of science and listens carefully, adding his observations to his confidant.  He concludes the conversation stating the following: 

“On Romulus, science is the tool of conquest.  It allows us to expand into the endless sky in our pursuit of the Way of D’era.  This is something that every Romulan believes in.  When I saw what is occurring on the planet below, I am reminded of an old Earth parable concerning a man named Icarus…”

He’ll let this sentence trail off, giving a character the opportunity to convince him to provide aid.  Doctor Suklar realizes that the discovery of these two peoples will without a doubt wind up in the captain’s logs.  From there, it is quite likely to come into the hands of the Tal Shiar.  Deep down he knows that something has to be done before the sabers of both governments begin to rattle.  A successful Receptive Telepathy Test can detect these thoughts.  Likewise, a successful Receptive Empathy Test at the same difficulty will reveal a sense of helplessness.

This situation should be role-played out.  If the character shows him how ending this “private war” would aid the Romulan Star Empire, Doctor Suklar would accede.  Incorporating the tale of Icarus into his or her story would make things so much the better.  If the narrator feels that a skill roll is warranted, use the Persuasion (Oratory) skill at Moderate (7) difficulty.

After talking with the crewmember, Doctor Suklar will announce to the captain that he is willing to stand as a representative of the Romulan Star Empire in this attempted cease-fire.  He will ask that he go alone, citing that the sight of anyone other than a Romulan could end things before they start.  If the captain disagrees (and if he is an NPC, he probably will), he will agree to one companion surgically altered to appear as a Romulan.  He will insist that person be the character that convinced him to provide assistance in the first place.

There should be two Away Teams.  The first will consist of the bulk of the crew, whose mission is to make contact with the humans.  The second, consisting of Doctor Suklar and the chosen crewmember, are to make contact with the Romulans.


The humans once numbered 200.  Now, after the detonation of the gravimetric bomb, they only number half of that.  Although the blast covered a great area, the humans (like the Romulans) are spread over such a large area that combat usually involves no more than four individuals.  Although they numbered 200, just over seven generations have passed and inbreeding has begun to set in.  A Personal Equipment (Medical Tricorder) Test made at Routine (4) Difficulty will confirm this.  Physical signs that the characters will note include bad dentistry, minor disfigurations, and blotchy patches of skin.  Unless otherwise noted, use the Human Castaway archetype in the Non-Player Character section.

They typically arm themselves with laser pistols and rifles.  They have no more replacement clips and each weapon has 1/10th the normal shots.  They fire on the lowest setting to conserve energy.  They also carry knives.

Getting down to the planet is problematic.  There are no immediate openings into the caverns that the characters could reach via shuttle.  Transporters seem to be the best solution, only there will be interference from the gravimetric particles.  Have the transporter chief make a Shipboard Systems (Transporters) at Moderate Difficulty.  If you do not have statistics for that non-player character, assume that his or her Intellect is 2 and his or her skill with the transporter is 3.  In the event of a failure, assign a +1 penalty to all skill tests for the same amount of time in minutes due to momentary distortion.  After all, a character buying the farm due to a transporter accident is rather anticlimactic.

Transporting characters will find themselves in a geological cathedral covered in moss.  There are several cave mouths rising just two meters above the floor.  After the characters get their bearings, they will spot a ghostly light coming from one of the cave entrances.  A voice will demand the characters identify themselves.  If players keep cool and introduce themselves, a rope will be lowered to allow the characters to climb up.

They will be met but a human in his late teens.  He is dressed in rags and wears an old Earth military uniform.  A character making a Culture (Human) Test at Moderate (7) difficulty will note that he wears the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade.  His eyes seem misaligned and when he smiles his teeth are crooked.  In one hand is a laser pistol while in the other is a rock coated with glowing moss.

If any of the Away Team members are Vulcans, the human will level the pistol at them and demand to know why Romulans are present.  Characters need to tell him that the characters are Vulcans, Requiring a Persuasion (Oratory) Test at Moderate (7) Difficulty.  Failure could mean a brief firefight.  Once their escort regains consciousness, he will be more receptive to an explanation.  Other nonhuman members of the Away Team will get only strange looks.

The man introduces himself as Calvin Miller and tells the characters that he has been ordered to take them directly to Captain Yamamoto.  As he leads the characters through a long series of tunnels, characters will note that the deeper they go, the more inhabitants they see manning barricades and armed with an assortment of laser weapons.  They are all dressed in the remnants of uniforms and the stench all of them exude is appalling.  Some of them have been horribly maimed, are missing limbs, and have festering wounds.

During the trip, Calvin will tell the characters of how the Armstrong found these caves before the accursed Romulans attacked them.  He will proudly recount the tales of how they tunneled through the caverns, making this place their home and living off the moss in these caverns.

Eventually, the party will reach the “Battle Room.”  On the floor is a crudely drawn map with rocks and pebbles representing various echelons of troops.  Standing over it will be Captain Yamamoto.  Lieutenant Miller will introduce the Away Team as the ship’s “reconnaissance element.”

Captain Yamamoto will warmly greet the Away Team, welcoming them to Earth Colony Gamma-Delta.  He will make inquiries to the state of the war.  If he is told that the war is over he will break into a wide grin and state that it’s only appropriate that the final blow be struck where the war started.  He will then go into length over their current strategy and tell the commander of the Away Team where to start landing troops.

Any attempt to inform him that there will be no final battle will be met with outright incredulity.  If asked about his agreement to a cease-fire, Captain Yamamoto will state that he thought the captain was being subtle.  He will conclude that the war between the Humans and Romulans is not over because they are still fighting here.

Before the characters can debate this any further, a rumbling will shake though the cavern.  The ground beneath the characters will vibrate and parts of the ceiling will fall to the ground.  Have every character make a Dodge Test at Moderate (6) Difficulty.  Any characters that fail take 1d6 points of damage from falling debris.  If tricorders are used, have the operators make the appropriate test at Moderate (7) Difficulty.  If successful, they will conclude that the bomb has destabilized the cave system.  He or she will also conclude that there is no immediate danger of complete collapse with a Planetary Science (Geology) Test at Routine (4) Difficulty (the shifting was the crust coming to rest after the blast).  A dramatic success will indicate, however, that another such blast will collapse the entire cave system within a 20-kilometer area.

After the cave-in, a large group of humans (about equal to that of the Away Team) will enter the cave.  On a prearranged signal from Yamamoto, they will draw their laser pistols and point them at the characters.  Yamamoto will then say:

“We will receive aid; be it personnel or simply supplies.  Drop your weapons slowly to the ground and we will consider this the first transaction.”

A successful Receptive Telepathy or Empathy Test could provide some warning of this.

If the characters choose to fight it out, let the dice fall where they may.  Their lasers will be on setting 1.  If you do not have the Core Rules to the original series, treat their weapons as phasers on setting 5.  Each shot takes only 1 charge but only five charges remain in each of their pistols. 

Other characters may feign a “change of heart” and try to convince them that they will fight for the castaways.  This will require a Persuasion (Oratory) Test at Challenging (9) Difficulty to convince Yamamoto that they are sincere.  If successful, Yamamoto will welcome them in the fold as companions in arms.  If this test fails, he will insist that they drop their weapons anyway.  

A final option would be trying one last time to convince Yamamoto to cooperate.  This is an Opposed Persuasion (Debate) Test between he and the character.  Yamamoto’s roll is modified by his willpower and a further +2 bonus.  A character might try to modify his or hers by Willpower or Empathy, depending on what tactic the character chooses to take.  Should the character succeed, Yamamoto will reluctantly agree to give peace talks a chance.  Should this fail, he will again insist that they drop their weapons.

He is unfamiliar with current Starfleet combadges.  Unless the characters use them in front of him, he will think them to be merely decorations. This could be a trump card in the characters’ favor.


The Romulan descendants total approximately 50.  Due to their somewhat longer lifespan and the fact that there were fewer generations over the past two hundred years, they do not share the same genetic problem as the humans.  Theirs is a worse fate.  The building of the gravimetric bombs was a project that spanned decades.  Over that time several of them were exposed to radioactive isotopes for extended periods of time.  For the most part, they are essentially mules.  A Personal Equipment (Tricorder) Test at Routine (4) Difficulty will confirm that the area is bathed in low levels of radiation.  Conducting other scans in this area in fact will be at Challenging (10) difficulty due to radioactive interference.  The character will know that they will be able to withstand approximately four hours of exposure before radiation sickness sets in.

Their armament is not extensive as the humans either.  Where the humans have laser pistols, the Romulans have only melee weapons. The Romulans have had to depend on their wits and intelligence to survive.  While the humans concentrated on the tools that they had on hand, the Romulans took a more long-term view: they concentrated on the creation of the gravimetric bomb.  They salvaged what they could, cannibalizing what parts they had to create two of these devices.

It was a long 200 years of patience, sacrifice, and secrecy, but now they have they keys to their ultimate victory…and destruction.  Two bombs were created.  One was used already.

When Doctor Suklar--accompanied by one of the characters--is transported to a prearranged rendezvous point, five Romulans meet them, emerging from one of the caverns.  The transporter chief will have to make the same test detailed in LCARS 2.0, this time at Challenging (10) Difficulty.

Doctor Suklar asks his companion to wait for him while he goes to talk with the survivors.  If a character insists on coming with him, he sadly accedes and motions for him or her to follow.

Doctor Suklar speaks to them in an archaic version of Romulan.  If the character speaks Romulan and attempts to eavesdrop, have the player make a Perception Test at Moderate (7) Difficulty.  If he or she is successful, he or she will hear the following conversation:

Suklar: You still fight with these humans, after two hundred years. 
Of course. The first precept demands it. 
You certainly have proven your loyalty to the Empire. 
Yes. And now it is time to prove yours. 
[angered]:  I am of the Marius family! You dare question my loyalty? 
I know of no Marius. Besides, we are all Romulans. We fight! 
I am a scientist. 
Good! Once you have proven yourself, you will continue to provide us with conquest’s tools!

Whether the character understood any of the exchange or not, Suklar will return to him or her and mutter, “This is not good.”  The Romulan he was talking to will return to the caverns from where they emerged.  The other four Romulans will continue to monitor Suklar and the character.

If queried for more information, Suklar will respond, “It appears that you and I will have to prove to them our loyalty to the Romulan Empire.”  If the character asks what he meant by the “First Precept,” Suklar will explain that the first precept of a Romulan soldier is loyalty--meaning that he is required to carry out his duty regardless of the risk or discomfort.  He will also explain that he realized that the Marius family name doesn’t carry much weight with them because his family is the “Johnny-come-lately” of the Romulan aristocracy.

The Romulan will return with two sticks, each two meters in length.  And the end of each is a serrated Y-shaped blade.  Suklar will identify each weapon as a “Lirash” and note morosely that it appears as if the Romulans wish them to provide “personal military assistance.”

The Romulan will hand each one of them a Lirash and point them in the direction of a particular cavern.  He will tell them that there is a human outpost approximately one kilometer away.  He wants the outpost removed quickly and quietly.  As he says this, two more Romulans enter the chamber carrying a large metallic box and straining under the weight.  A character scanning the box subtly with a tricorder needs to make a corresponding test at Challenging (11) Difficulty.   If successful, the character will read a large amount of gravitons emanating from the box.  A subsequent Space Science (Astrophysics) Test at Moderate (7) Difficulty will be able to liken those particles to those found near a black hole or “quantum singularity.”  If this is the same character that analyzed the reading back on the ship, it is an automatic success.  If this is brought to Suklar’s attention, he will pale and mutter (more to himself than the character) “Of course…after all, we harness them for propulsion.  It’s a prime candidate for a weapon of mass destruction.”

At that point the Romulan leader will order them forward.  Suklar will recommend to the character that they move forward, citing that they need time to formulate a plan. If a character attempts to stop the Romulans, let the dice fall where they may.  He or she will be taking on six Romulans each armed with a neca (Romulan dagger…treat as a knife found on page 238 of the Core Rules).  Doctor Suklar will not assist either party.  If the character somehow miraculously overcomes them, however, he may be willing to assist the character in disarming the bomb (see LCARS 3.2).


In the event that the Away Team attempts to escape from their Human captors via transporter, they again will have to deal with the transporter beams cutting though the gravimetric particles.  Calling for an immediate transport in front of their captors will result in the captors making a grab for their combadges.  Reaching their ship alone will require a Personal Equipment (Communicator) Test at Moderate (7) Difficulty.  The transporter chief, described in LCARS 2.0, will have to make another Shipboard Systems (Transporter) Test at Challenging (10) Difficulty due to the chaos and the fact that it’s an emergency transport.  This time, in the event of failure, he snags one or two of their captors by mistake.  The gravimetric particles cause a cohesion break in the transporter and the unfortunate captors return in a somewhat…altered…state.  Players should view this as a hint.

Whether the characters make an escape attempt or not, Captain Yamamoto will hail the captain and demand that the ship provide them with arms and support.  If the captain is an NPC, he will adamantly refuse this.  Launching a rescue mission is dangerous right now not only for the hostages but for the rescue team as well.  The gravimetric particles not only hamper the transporter beams but prevent getting a good layout of the cavern system as well.

After that, the characters on the bridge will receive a hail from the other side of the Neutral Zone.  Commander Modex of the Warbird D’vairin is hailing them.  He will announce that their long-range sensors have detected a large gravimetric disturbance and demands to be told what the Federation is up to.

Commander Modex will listen to the characters explain the situation to him.  Characters must be very careful what they tell him.  If they in any way mention the fact that there is a population of Romulans in Federation space, he will inform them that their presence means that the planet is still in contention making the Treaty of Algeron non applicable in this instance.  He will tell the characters that his ship will arrive to “assist in negotiations.”  Characters need to be firm in this event to include the threat of force if the Neutral Zone is crossed.  Otherwise, he will end the transmission and proceed. 

Another option, albeit a foolhardy one, is to try to trick Commander Modex into thinking that there is nothing going on.  This will require a Fast Talk Test at Near Impossible (15) Difficulty.

Some character might think a D’deridex-class ship could provide assistance to them in their mission.  Although altruism is usually encouraged in Starfleet, this is an exception to the rule.

If this subject is brought up, a character making a Strategic Operations (Neutral Zone Strategies) Test at Routine (4) Difficulty will note that the Romulan government having a quasi-colony on this world could give them a claim to this world.  Followed up with an Administration (Logistics) at Routine (4) Difficulty will tell the character that this could provide the Romulans with a “beach head” into the Arteline Sector. 

A character making a Law (Starfleet Regulations) Test at Routine (4) Difficulty will note that a starship contacting the Romulan Government directly would be highly irregular, and that characters instead should go through proper diplomatic channels.  An Administration (Starfleet) Test at Challenging (9) Difficulty will tell them that this could take days if not weeks.


If the character decides that he or she will “go along” with this test, two other Romulans who will stand by and “bear witness” will escort them.  Both the character and Suklar will be armed with a Lirash.  After traveling through the complex for nearly a kilometer, their escort will stop them and one of the Romulans will whisper that around the bend in the tunnel approximately 40 meters away is an outpost manned by two humans.  The character and Suklar will be required to prove themselves by bringing their ears back.

Obviously this shouldn’t sit well with a Starfleet character.  Mutilating a corpse is bad enough without it being from your own/allied species.  If the character refuses to take part in such a ritual, he or she is told to follow their escorts back.  If they do so, their escorts report this to the rest of the Romulans.  The character is promptly attacked and killed (see LCARS 2.1). 

Should the character decide to run for it, have the player roll initiative using his or her Athletics (Running) as the base skill.  His or her escorts will use their Primitive Weapon (Knife) as the base skill.  If the player rolls higher than the Romulans, he or she moves out of the way of the knives and can make his or her run for the border unmolested. Should he or she fail, the Romulan Escorts will each get a “free stab” at the character.  Following that, melee proceeds as normal.  Neither the character’s Romulan escorts nor Suklar will pursue the character.  Suklar will not intervene if the Romulan escorts attack the character.  Keep in mind that when that character goes 40 meters beyond the bend he will run into humans and the character undoubtedly looks remarkably Romulan.  The Humans will not parley.  The problems with an emergency transport are detailed in LCARS 2.2.

There are two humans holding a cavern approximately ten meters by twenty meters in length. Reaching them unnoticed would take an Extended Stealth (Stealthy Movement) Test at Routine (5) Difficulty.  When a player accumulates a total of 20 points, the human is within melee range and the character gets a free strike at him.  In the event of a failure during this test, subtract the total points that the character accumulated from 20.  The remainder will be the distance the character is from the humans.  Roll initiative normally.  The humans are armed with laser pistols with the same modifications described in LCARS 2.0.  The humans here are keyed up for a fight and there is no talking to them--especially if one looks like a Romulan.

The character will probably strike at the human (if he even strikes at all) with the blunt part of the instrument.  The only problem is that the Romulans hope for a kill (hence requiring them to bring back ears).  Unlike the character, Suklar will strike to kill.  He views this whole test with a great deal of distaste.  If he overcomes his opponent, he will cut both of the human’s ears off so as to avoid his companion from committing homicide.  Of course, the character may just try to stop him.  From a dramatic standpoint, this makes it even better.

Unknown to the character and Doctor Suklar, a signal was transmitted by one of the sentries that the human perimeter has been breached.


When the signal that the perimeter has been breached reaches the ears of Yamamoto, he will put together an interception team that will include the characters--at laser point if he must. This encounter could be used as an opportunity to get the characters back together.

In the unlikely event that the characters managed to talk Captain Yamamoto into peace talks with the Romulans, he will angrily decry the attack as proof that the Romulans are not yet ready to negotiate.  Getting him to calm down will require a Persuasion (Oratory) Test at Challenging (9) Difficulty.  If it succeeds, he will calm down but point out to the characters that these Romulans are intending to harm their colony and need to be stopped.

“Lasers,” he will remark dryly, “have several settings, but all of them kill.”

The characters might decide to intercept the “Romulan intruders” themselves.  With the stun setting on their phasers, they could stop the Romulans without killing them.  Not only that, it could be viewed as an opportunity to get a message across to the Romulans that a truce is sought.  The Narrator, nonetheless, should monitor not only the characters’ actions but also the intentions of the players.  Are they trying to establish a peace treaty between the two factions or are they simply trying to turn the tables in favor of the humans?

In the event that their discussion with Yamamoto did not go well, the characters will be “drafted” into serving with them as members of the interception team.  The characters will go unarmed, accompanied by a human armed with their weapons at whatever setting the characters set them to.

In the event that the characters fought their way through Yamamoto and his forces, they will see a group of twelve humans heading down a tunnel in haste armed with lasers.  Hopefully, the Away Team is somehow keeping in touch with the character accompanying Dr. Suklar.

Likewise, if the character escaped in LCARS 2.2, the sensors will detect a large group of humans heading in the general direction of Dr. Suklar and the accompanying character.  They may wish to intercept them.  This again will require the same Shipboard Systems (Transporter) Test detailed in LCARS 2.0.

The characters, accompanied or unaccompanied, should arrive at the attacked site just after Dr. Suklar and the companion character completed the encounter in LCARS 3.0.  If the humans accompany them, they will open fire at all Romulans (including the surgically altered character).  Likewise, the Romulans, except Dr. Suklar, attack the humans.  Although the battle may seem one-sided, it is the onus of the Away Team to put a stop to it now.

If the characters choose that time to attempt to overcome “their fellow humans,” they will have one round of surprise against them.  They will be concentrating on the two Romulans.  The two Romulans, however, may just be concentrating their efforts on the Away Team!

Dr. Suklar, torn up inside, will intervene only if the companion character is in danger.  At that point, he will most likely take passive measures to protect him or her (i.e., pulling him or her out of the way of a laser blast).


Following the battle, Dr. Suklar will be withdrawn for a moment or two, then straighten up and inform the leader of the Away Team that they have under two hours to evacuate the humans from the cave system and that the Romulans, if the companion character did not already tell them, have another gravimetric bomb.  If anyone asks for clarification, he will smile sadly and tell the characters that the Romulans of this planet are about to follow the “Precept of Denial.”  A character making a Culture (Romulan) Test at Moderate (7) Difficulty will realize that the Precept of Denial dictates that suicide is preferable to capture.  If that test is successful and a character succeeds in a Medical Science (Psychology) or Social Science (Sociology) test at the same difficulty, the character will deduce what Dr. Suklar is thinking.

Romulan soldiers are on a planet ceded by the Romulan Empire to the Federation by the Treaty of Cheron.  The fact that the Romulans are still there could equate to capture.  Dr. Suklar plans to obliterate the Romulans on this planet while dying with them.

This conclusion can also be reached with a successful Receptive Telepathy Test.  A successful Receptive Empathy Test will detect only despair.

Convincing him not to follow this course of action will require a good plan and some serious assurances that the honor of the Romulans on this world can be preserved.  The Narrator could also have the characters make a Persuasion (Oratory) Test at Challenging (10) Difficulty.  The bottom line is that the Romulans have a gravimetric bomb that could destroy the entire cave system.

In the event that the D’vairin is in orbit above, Commander Modex will begin transporting troops to reinforce the Romulans.  The characters’ ship will detect this with a successful Shipboard Systems (Sensors) Test at Routine (3) Difficulty.  While shoring up the “native” Romulans’ defenses is in the back of his mind, Commander Modex wishes to test the resolve of the captain.  If the ships’ captains threaten to use force, he will cease transporting Romulan soldiers.  He will adamantly refuse, however, to beam them back up citing the dangers associated with the “unusual emanations of gravimetric particles.”  Treat the Romulan soldiers beamed down as Romulan Castaways only they are armed with fully charged disruptors.


It should be readily apparent to the characters that the gravimetric bomb is the most immediate threat.  They should also conclude that a site-to-site transport could be viewed as tactically insane.   If they choose to accompany Dr. Suklar, they will need to approach the matter with the greatest of caution.

The gravimetric bomb is kept in the chamber Dr. Suklar and one of the characters beamed into.  Assume that the bomb is 25 meters away from the entrance to the chamber.  Ten meters away there is an equal number of Romulan Castaways as Away Team members.  Each is armed with a Lirash.

In the event that the D’vairin got involved, there will also be an equal number of Romulan soldiers twenty meters away.  Their disruptors will be on setting one.  Commander Modex is taking a gamble and he wishes to hedge his bets.  Starfleet prisoners are a bargaining chip.  The gaseous remains of them are not.

If characters attempt to sneak up on them, have each Away Team Member (and Dr. Suklar) make a Stealth (Stealthy Movement) Test at Moderate (7) Difficulty.  If they succeed, they will get a free round of combat against the Romulans.  Dr. Suklar will take no part in actions against his own people.

Disarming the bomb safely will require a Demolition (Bomb Disposal) at Difficult (13) Difficulty.  The character can be assisted by another character next to him making a Space Science (Astrophysics) Test at Moderate (7) Difficulty.  For every two points by which the character making the latter test surpasses the target number, decrease the bomb disposer’s target number by one.

In the event of a failure, the characters will have just enough time to call for an emergency transport.  If they don’t get the hint, the sight of any conscious Romulan soldiers calling for an emergency transport should give them a clue.  If it doesn’t, Darwin has struck again.

In the event that the characters never reach the bomb, Dr. Suklar will call for an emergency transport of the Away Team.  Once they are away, Dr. Suklar will tell his fellow Romulans that the bomb needs calibration citing the fact that the first one covered only a 1-kilometer area.  He will then calmly walk to the bomb and detonate it.


Once the immediate threat is dispatched, the problem remains of enforcing peace between the two peoples.  This is unlikely due to 200 years of animosity.  Starfleet, likewise, will take a very dim view of a populace loyal to the Romulan Star Empire in their backyard.

If the characters take the “peace conference” approach, it will require two Persuasion (Debate) Tests to even “get them to the table”: one with the humans and one with the Romulans.  The difficulty of the test will be Moderate (7) with the Humans and Difficult (13) with the Romulans.  If Dr. Suklar accompanies the character, reduce the Romulan difficulty to Challenging (10). 

If the two tests are successful, having them come to agreement is just as (or even more) tough.  This will require a Diplomacy (Intergalactic Affairs) Test at Difficult (13) Difficulty.  Depending on what arguments that the characters make and how well players role-play the situation, reduce the difficulty accordingly.  This will provide a short-term solution, but will give the Federation Diplomatic Corps a chance to sort things out with the Romulans.

Another option is deportation.  As described in LCARS 1.1, it is illegal for a colony to be located in a system where munitions are tested.  Although some large holes can be found in that argument, it does give the characters license to evacuate the humans.  The Romulans, likewise, can be removed by that argument as well as citing the Treaties of Cheron and Algeron.  Apply a Persuasion (Oratory) to each side to get them to agree to come peacefully.  The difficulty of the test will be Moderate (7) with the humans and Difficult (13) with the Romulans.  If Dr. Suklar accompanies the character, reduce the Romulan difficulty to Challenging (10).  The show of force to each of them, although not encouraged, will reduce the respective tests down by one difficulty level.  Force is one thing that the two sides understand fully.


If Dr. Suklar detonates the gravimetric bomb, the crew of the characters’ ship will have a problem on their hand.  Although the initial detonation will not affect the ship immediately, it will alter the gravity field of the planet, requiring the ship to make a very major course correction to maintain or regain orbit.  This is reflected in the Flight Control Officer making a Shipboard Systems (Flight Control) Test at Challenging (10) Difficulty.  In the event of a failure, the player is more than welcome to retake the test again and again (with the standard cumulative +2 modifier to the target number).  If the target number reaches 20, the ship goes crashing to the planet below taking all hands with her.

The Science Officer can assist with a Shipboard Systems (Sensors) Test at Moderate (7) Difficulty.  For every two points over the target number, one point may be subtracted from the Flight Control Officer’s target number.  This reflects the Science officer doing a very quick analysis of the altered gravity well and providing that input to the ship’s computer.

In the event that they evacuated the planet, the crew will have just under 150 Humans and Romulans on board, many of whom still have designs on one another’s throats.  Let the characters make detailed plans as to how the humans and Romulans will be evacuated and just where on the ship each people will be placed.  Depending on the size of the characters’ ship, things could get crowded.  Have the first officer or captain (or whoever is in charge of the evacuation) make an Administration (Starship) Test.  This is to determine the placement of the human and Romulan evacuees and keep them from each other during the voyage to Starbase 39-S.  At the Narrator’s option, he or she could make it a combined test as well.  The difficulty of the test depends on just what class of ship the crew has.

Akira- or Niagara-class Challenging (9)
Ambassador-class Routine (5)


Difficult (12)
Constellation- or Deneva-class

Challenging (10)

Danube-class Runabout Forget it.
Defiant-, Miranda, Norway-, Rigel-, Saber-, or Steamrunner-class Near Impossible (15)
Excelsior-class Moderate (6)
Galaxy-class Routine (4)
Merced-class Difficult (14)
Nebula-class Moderate (8)
New Orleans-class Challenging (11)
Oberth-class Difficult (13)
Olympic-class Moderate (7)
Sovereign-class Routine (3)

In the unfortunate event of a failure, a group of humans and Romulans meet half way and a fight ensues.  This can be played either comically of tragically, depending on the Narrator’s mood.  These events will continue until they succeed at this Test or they are able to dump them off at the nearest Starbase.

One of the few good things about the presence of the D’vairin, if there in the first place, is that it is willing to take the Romulans into its custody if the second gravimetric bomb went off.

If the bomb did not go off, Commander Modex will oppose the removal of the Romulans below and is perfectly willing to use force.  Characters could conceivably start a war.



Every character that participated in the adventure gets 1 experience point.  If they prevented the second gravimetric bomb from detonating, give them two points.  In the event that they got the humans and Romulans to the negotiating table, give them a third point.

Renown should be awarded as follows:

Character acting as Dr. Suklar’s companion gives him the benefit of the doubt. Openness +1
Character acting as Dr. Suklar’s companion treats him with distrust. Openness –1
Character acting as Dr. Suklar’s companion Provides him with valuable insight and assistance. Skill +1
Character acting as Dr. Suklar’s companion lets the Romulan do all the work. Skill -1
Away Team main body refuses to assist the castaway humans in overcoming the Romulans with military might. Aggression -1
Discipline +1
Away Team main body assists the castaway humans in overcoming the Romulans with military might. Aggression +1
Discipline -1
Bridge crew keeps the D’vairin from crossing the Neutral Zone by threats.

Aggression +1
Openness -1

Bridge crew keeps the D’vairin from crossing the Neutral Zone by guile. Initiative +1
Openness -1
Bridge crew invites Romulan assistance. Discipline +1
Initiative –1
Away Team Commander Only: For every Away Team member killed Skill-1


System Name: Uiono’s Star, named after the Science Officer of the U.S.S. Armstrong.
The system falls under the jurisdiction of the United Federation of Planets.
System Type:
Type M4II (Red Normal Large Giant)
Inhabited Planets:
Other Planets:
Eight planets, two are Class-J gas giants.
Other Stellar Objects:
There is an asteroid belt in the first orbit around the star.
Artificial Remains:
Encountering debris from blasted Starfleet probes in the vicinity of the asteroid field is common.
Starfleet often uses the asteroid field to test the targeting systems of its ships.



Planet Name: Uiono I
Class: F
System Data:
Uiono I has no moons.
Year and Day:
Sapient Species:
Tech Level:
The Uiono System falls under UFP jurisdiction.
Uiono is rich in low-grade minerals, primarily iron, nickel, and copper.
Places of Note:
Ship Facilities:
Other Details:
Civilian traffic is curbed in this system owing to the fact that there is a starship firing range at the adjacent asteroid belt.


Fitness 2

Strength +1
Coordination 2
Reaction +1
Intellect 2
Perception +1
Presence 2
Empathy –1
Psi 0 

Administration (Bureaucratic Manipulation) 1 (2)
Artistic Expression (Writing) 1 (2)
Computer (Research) 2 (3)

            (Simulation/Modeling) (3)
Culture (Romulan) 2 (3)
Dodge 1
Energy Weapon (Disruptor) 1 (2)
History (Romulan) 1 (2)
            (Science and Technology) (2)
Instruction (Teaching) 1 (2)
            Romulan 3
Law (Romulan) 1 (2)
            (Romulan Military Regulations) (2)
Personal Equipment (Tricorder) 2 (3)
Physical Science (Mathematics) 2 (3)
Planetside Survival (Urban) 1 (2)
Propulsion Engineering (Quantum Singularity) 2 (4)
Shipboard Systems (Sensors) 1 (2)
Space Science (Astronomy) 3 (4)
            (Astrophysics) (5)
            (Stellar Cartography) (4)
Unarmed Combat (Romulan Navy Martial Arts) 1 (3)
Vehicle Operation (Shuttlecraft) 1 (2)
World Knowledge (Romulus) 1 (2)

Athletic Ability +2, Obligation (Romulan Military) –3, Security Clearance +3

Glory: 6
Renown: 15 (Skill)

Background:  Doctor Suklar is a man torn between his love of the Romulan Star Empire and his love of the sciences.  To him the Romulan Empire is a proud beacon bringing the light of knowledge to the primitives who have not yet had the insight.  He thinks of this, to coin a phrase, as “the Romulan’s burden.”  The Way D’era is the torch that leads to knowledge.

He is a member of the aristocratic Marrus family, a clan of scientists and merchants.  Although the family is credited for the invention of the quantum singularity drive that powers the D’deridex-class warbirds, he did the lion’s share of the work.

He is not happy, however, with the level of technological secrecy that Romulus maintains toward the other “civilized” races.  To him, cooperation would lead to progress.  He believes that when the other “civilized” races see the level of Romulan brilliance, they will fall into step behind Romulus and the Romulan Empire will lead them to a new era of technological mastery.

He views his attendance at the convention at Inu Tonstu not as an opportunity for espionage, but one of sharing breakthroughs and achievements.  His only disappointment is the level of “sanitation” that the Tal Shiar applied to his point-paper.

Role-playing:  You are an amiable yet quiet fellow.  Although you generally “keep your cards close to your vest,” when someone discusses science you eagerly donate your own points of view, occasionally letting slip some Romulan findings that the Tal Shiar would deem sensitive.  


Fitness 2  

Coordination 2  
Intellect 2  
Presence 2 
            Willpower +2  
Psi 0  

Athletics (Climbing) 2 (4)  
Culture (Castaway) 1 (2) 
            (Human) (2)  
Demolitions (Booby Traps) 1 (2)  
Energy Weapon (Laser Pistol) 1 (3) 
            (Laser Rifle) (2)  
Espionage (Surveillance) 1 (2)  
First Aid (Human) 1 (3)  
History (Castaway) 1 (2) 
            (Human) (2)  
            Esperanto 2 
            Romulan 1  
Personal Equipment (Tricorder) 1 (2)  
Planetary Tactics (Guerilla Warfare) 2 (4)  
Planetside Survival (Caves) 0 (3)  
Unarmed Combat (Brawling) 0 (2)  
World Knowledge (Uiono I) 0 (2)

Dark Secret (has no plans to conduct a cease fire) -2, Fanatic -2

Background:  Captain Yamamoto comes from a long line of Captains and is one of the few remaining humans on Uiono I with no genetic deviancy.  He has come from a long line of Captains (now considered a hereditary title).  Until the Romulan castaways created an atomic bomb he thought victory was in his grasp.  When the bomb went off, he was sure that it was over for humanity.  He then received a hail from the characters’ ship and sees victory again.  When he discovers that the characters seek only to form a cease-fire, the emotional roller coaster will continue.  

Role-playing:  You’re a genius in your own mind but not yet clinically insane.  Enunciate your words carefully.  These people up above have no idea what is going on down here.  They will come around to your thinking.  All that you have to do is show them what mongrels these Romulans truly are.



Fitness 2 

            Strength +1 
            Vitality -1  
Coordination 2 
            Dexterity -1 
            Reaction +1  
Intellect 2 
            Logic -1 
            Perception +1  
Presence 2 
            Empathy –1 
            Willpower +2  
Psi 0

Athletics (Climbing) 2 (4)  

Culture (Castaway) 1 (2)  
Energy Weapon (Laser Pistol or Rifle) 1 (3)  
Espionage (Surveillance) 1 (2)  
First Aid (Human) 1 (2)  
History (Castaway) 1 (2)  
            Esperanto 2 
            Romulan 1  
Personal Equipment (Tricorder) 1 (2)  
Planetary Tactics (Guerilla Warfare) 1 (3)  
Planetside Survival (Caves) 0 (3)  
Unarmed Combat (Brawling) 0 (2)  
World Knowledge (Uiono I) 0 (2)

Background:  These are the “stock characters” of humanity. 

Role-playing: You are halfway feral.  Look at new comers strangely.  Try to touch things you haven’t seen before to include people.




Fitness 2 
            Strength +1  
Coordination 2  
Intellect 2 
            Perception +1  
Presence 2 
            Empathy –1  
Psi 0


Athletics (Lifting) 1 (2)  
Computer (Research) 1 (2)  
Culture (Romulan) 2 (3)  
Demolitions (Shipboard Demolitions) 1 (2)  
Dodge 1  
Energy Weapons (Disruptor Rifles) 2 (3)  
History (Romulan) 1 (2)  
            Romulan 2  
Law (Romulan) 1 (2)  
Personal Equipment (Tricorder) 1 (2)  
Physical Science (Mathematics) 1 (2)  
Planetary Tactics (Small Unit) 2 (3)  
Planetside Survival (Urban) 2 (3)  
Primitive Weaponry (Knife) 1 (2)  
Strategic Operations (Ground Forces Strategies) 1 (2)  
Unarmed Combat (Romulan Navy Martial Arts) 2 (3)  
Vehicle Operations (Shuttlecraft) 1 (2)  
World Knowledge (Romulus) 1 (2)

High Pain Threshold +2

Background:  These folks are the “extras.”

Role-playing: You are prideful and defiant to the end.  If the characters agree with you, a curt nod will do.  If they do not agree with you, sneer at their inherent weakness.

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