Adventure - "Sculptor of the Mind"
by Jeffrey W. Kramer


This Episode was written for the ST:TNG Series I am currently Narrating.  In that Series, I started the Crew on the U.S.S. Discovery, the sample starship and Crew presented in the ST:TNG RPG Core Game Book.   I have been basing much of the Series around elements of the Neutral Zone Campaign presented in the Core Game Book and A Fragile Peace.  Over time some of the senior officers have been replaced with player characters who have advanced in rank or transferred onboard, while others have been replaced with NPCs I have created.   At this point in the Series, the only major senior officer left from the Crew roster presented in the book is the commanding officer, Captain Ann Potrikos. 

This adventure was written in part to give the First Officer, a player character, an opportunity to sit in the big chair, making command decisions and taking charge during a ship-to-ship confrontation.   Thus, the setup for this adventure has Captain Potrikos absent, leaving major decisions during the Episode up to the First Officer. 

I should note that, as usually happens when one actually runs an adventure, the players in my Series ended up making a great many decisions I had not anticipated, thus taking the Episode in directions I would not have imagined.  I am sure any experienced Narrator can identify with this experience!

With minimal rewrites, the Episode should play fine in any campaign taking place near the Neutral Zone; if the Narrator is not using the Neutral Zone Campaign Setting published by LUG, simply replace the references to Psellus III with something more appropriate to your Series.   I suppose, with some alterations, this basic plot might also work reasonably well in campaigns set near the Federation-Cardassian border, exchanging the Romulan villains for Cardassians of equal rank.  The experiments of the Romulan doctor in this Episode would certainly be the sort of research project that would interest the Obsidian Order.

If the Captain in your series is a player character, ignore the elements of the set-up referring to the Captain being absent; just let the Captain make the decisions forced upon the First Officer in the scenario description.  If the player character Crewmembers in your campaign are lower-ranked officers, the command decisions can be made by higher-ranked NPCs, either the First Officer (playing it as written, but with an NPC in charge), or the Captain (ignoring the absent-captain elements of the write-up).

However you play this, I hope you have fun with it.

I welcome any comments, and particularly any about how the Episode played with the Crew in your Series.  Feel free to contact me.  I can take helpful criticism, but please be polite.

This Episode is dedicated to all the fine players I have the honor of Narrating with.



While the Captain is away, the First Officer has command of the starship.  The ship receives a distress call from a penal colony.  Arriving there, they find a strange situation.  Investigation reveals that many of the staff and prisoners have been killed, many others subjected to experimental Romulan mind-control procedures, while a few of the prisoners are struggling to avoid the controlled staff/prisoners and the Romulans who are experimenting on them.  The Crew must figure out what is going on and avoid destruction by the Romulans, who have a cloaked ship nearby and have observed the Crew’s arrival. 


(Provide Handout 1 for First Officer to read.)


The ship receives a message.   It is garbled and weak, the voice soft and hesitant.  The message says “distress….all Federation ships…..emergency assistance…Dolak IV Colony……...attack  by…. forces……..…prisoners.....assistance needed….

An Automatic Computer (Research) or Moderate (6) World Knowledge (Neutral Zone) Skill Test indicates that Dolak IV is a Federation penal colony on the very border of the Neutral Zone (see Planetary Template: Dolak IV).   It is an automatic success (Astrogation or Computer) to realize the Dolak system is very nearby…approximately 6 light years.  A Nebula-class cruiser (such as the U.S.S. Discovery) is able to maintain Warp 9.2, which will get the ship to the Dolak system in just over one day.


The mention of Dolak IV rings a bell for one of the characters (pick one likely to be on the Away Team):  a former Academy classmate who left in shame went on to greater infamy and ended up here.  (Provide that character’s player with Handout #2.)

A Routine (4) Starship Systems (Communications) Test reveals that the message was sent by a crude, relatively primitive subspace carrier wave, moving at approximately Warp 5.5, meaning the message was sent approximately one week ago.

A Routine (3) Law (Starfleet Regulations) Skill Test reminds the First Officer of a General Order that gives requests for emergency assistance very high priority.  A Moderate (6) Administration (Starfleet) Test using the ship’s computer will reveal that the Crew’s ship is the Starfleet vessel currently nearest Dolak IV.

Presumably the First Officer will order the Flight Control officer to set a course for Dolak IV.


The trip to Dolak IV is uneventful.  A Routine (3) Starship Systems (Flight Control) Skill Test moves the starship into the Dolak system, and eventually into standard orbit.

At this point, only a Nearly Impossible (15) Starship Systems (Sensors) Skill Test will reveal the cloaked Romulan D’deridex-class Warbird Shaa’zir cruising in the Dolak system.  The Romulans will have detected the starship’s approach.  Given that the Shaa’zir is in fact across the Neutral Zone, her commander, Commander Molak, is not in any hurry to give away her presence.  The Romulans will observe, using passive scans, taking action only when necessary.

Sensor scans of the planet reveal nothing amiss.  If sensor scans are directed specifically toward the penal colony (automatically identified by the power generator signatures), a Difficult (12) Test will indicate anomalous readings.  If this is noted, an additional Moderate (7) Starship Systems (Sensors) Test will reveal that the anomalies reflect some sort of sensor cloak, masking or producing false readings, centered on one building.  (This building houses the infirmary and maximum security holding cells.  This is where the Romulans are running their experiment from, and where they mostly stay.  The cloak prevents the Crew from transporting to/from the building; the Shaa’zir, knowing the cloak settings, has no such problem.)

No transmissions are detected from the planet at this time.  A Routine (4) Starship Systems (Sensors) scan of the colony compound shows several life forms and indications of excavation consistent with mining.  If more detail is sought, a Moderate (8) Sensors Test reveals only 74 life signs; a Difficult (12) Test result will show all life signs to be human.  Leave it to the Crew to recognize this is many fewer than records indicate should be on Dolak IV.  Most of the life signs come from the dormitories/cellblocks. 

Sensor scans of the rest of the surface will detect lots of life forms. A Routine (5) Skill Test will reveal one large cluster of non-indigenous, humanoid life signatures approximately 2 kilometers East of the penal colony compound; a Test result of Difficult (12) or better will reveal these to be a mix of species, primarily human.  A separate Moderate (8) Skill Test will reveal smaller groups or individual humanoids moving through the jungle in an area roughly circular around the colony grounds.

Presumably the Crew will attempt to hail the surface.  After an unusual delay, the colony will respond to the hail, with audio and visual feed.  A balding man with gray hair and yellowish skin will appear on screen.  He appears bored and a bit lethargic, speaking slowly (He speaks with a voice like that of Eeyore, from Winnie the Pooh).

 “Elrod Tain, Federation Correctional Authority.  What can we do for you?” 

Asked about the distress call, his responses are rambling and repetitive, and continue to be lethargic. 

“Distress call?  No problems here.  Status normal.  All normal…all ok…really fine.  And how are you?    Don’t know about any distress call.maybe some of the inmates playing around…have to  have Warden Mulholland look into it…”

If the First Officer asks for permission to beam down or send a landing party, Tain will say:

            “Must clear that with the Warden.”

If they ask to speak with Warden Mulholland, or ask Tain to request permission to send people down, Tain will reply, monotonously:

“Let me go check…see if he is busy…can talk…I’ll go check.  No problem…no problems…don’t know about any distress calls.”

Either way, Tain will then cut off transmission. 

Presumably Tain’s strange behavior will be noted.  A Routine Skill Test with an appropriate skills, such as Medical Sciences (Psychology), will only note that Tain appears somewhat mentally disorganized.

If the First Officer asked to speak with the Warden, or asked Tain to speak with him, they will have a wait on their hands, as the planet does not hail back.  After a minimum of three hails or 15 minutes, the colony will respond.  Onscreen will appear a blond man with short-cropped hair, icy blue eyes and a thick, solid build, looking like an aging professional football player.  (His voice has an even-paced, monotonous quality to it)

“Adrian Mulholland.  I am the warden of the Dolak IV Penal Colony.  Am I to understand you claim to have received a distress call from this facility?”

Mulholland will go on to assure the crew that no distress call has been sent, and that the situation is normal.  If the ship insists on sending somebody down to the surface or meeting with him, he gets a far-away, confused expression, then turns away, as if looking at somebody off screen.  He then turns back to the screen, gives a vacant-looking smile, and says:

“Fine, fine.  Give me a couple minutes to ready an escort and you can send down some men.  No weapons, though.  We are a penal colony, after all, and we can’t risk any chance of the inmates getting their hands on weapons.”

A Routine (4) Law (Federation Law) or (5) (Starfleet Regulations) Skill Test indicates that as Administrator of the facility, Warden Mulholland is completely within his authority to set this condition.   Presumably the First Officer will agree.  Mulholland will then say

“Give me a couple minutes to prepare my staff, then we will send transporter coordinates.”

He then disconnects, not waiting for a reply. 

If the Crew asks about the low number of life signs detected at the colony compound, Mulholland will flatly state that the rest are in the mines.  Asked more detailed questions, he will seem a bit confused, finally say, lamely:

“Uh, I suppose something about the mines is blocking your scans.  Or maybe your sensors aren’t working well.”

 If he is asked about the batch of life signs two km East of the colony compound, Mulholland will appear somewhat agitated (blinking, opening and closing his mouth), and his eyes will appear out of focus.  A moment later, Elrod Tain will enter the picture, whisper something to the Warden, and step back out.  Mulholland will then smile widely and say

            “Well…I…suppose that is something we…ought to talk…about.”

He will then invite the starship to send down an Away Team, taking a couple minutes to first prepare, as above.  Tain will then quickly step back into the picture and whisper a few words.  Mulholland will look surprised, then quickly say:

“Say…I don’t suppose you could send me the coordinates…of those…you know…those…(long pause)…life signs?”

Whether or not he is given the coordinates, he will then immediately disconnect.

By now, the Crew should have be clear that the colony staff is behaving strangely, and that something is up. 

It is up to the First Officer to assemble an away team, perhaps with input from the Crew.  If he decides to go down to the planet himself, and no player has her/his character object, have the other players make Law (Starfleet Regulations) Skill Test.  A Routine (4) Test result indicates that Crewmember’s awareness that standard policy dictates the acting commander should stay on the ship, given an unclear and possibly dangerous situation on the planet.  Command and Security personnel should be the first ones asked to make this roll, starting with the highest-ranked available; after that, other Bridge Crew should be given the opportunity.  The First Officer can, of course, choose to ignore this directive, but if so, should be penalized experience points or given negative Discipline Renown. 


The Crew may send the Away Team down to the area East of the compound, where Connor and his band are hiding out, rather than to the penal compound.  If so, this will drastically alter much of what occurs during this adventure.  If this happens, refer to Act 2, Scene 5, below, for descriptions of Connor and his men.  The Away Team will initially be met with caution, but once it is clear they are there in response to the distress call, Connor and his men will fill them in regarding the situation.  Meanwhile, The Shaa’zir will detect this beam-down and relay a brief, encoded message to the penal colony compound, warning them.  An appropriate Crewmember on the ship (Tactical or Mission Ops, perhaps) will detect the transmission with a Routine (5) Shipboard Systems (Communications) Skill Test.  The message will be incomprehensible and too brief to allow the position of the Romulan ship to be pinpointed, but it should be enough to suggest the presence of a cloaked ship in orbit around the planet.  About the time Connor’s men have filled in the rough details of what happened, a bunch of the nanite-programmed guards will attack.  They will attempt to subdue and take captives, including some Away Team members, if possible.  The Narrator will have to decide at what point, and in what manner, Commander Molak decides to intervene directly.


Read the following description:

The Away Team materializes in on open area, near some small sheds and several larger, very plain concrete buildings.   Five Human males stand spaced around the landing area, dressed gray uniforms.  At their belts they carry stun rods and Type I phasers; some also carry tricorders.  The largest of the men steps forward.  He is a tall, overweight man with crewcut black hair and small, close-set eyes.  He moves toward you slowly, his face betraying no emotion.  In a deep, flat voice he introduces himself.  “I’m Ray Crier, the Head Guard.  The Warden asked me to bring you to him.”

If the Crew specifically asks, note that they see nobody around except for Crier and the other four guards. 

The men with tricorders scan for weapons; if any are found, they confiscate them.  If any crewmen try to scan the area with tricorders or similar equipment, Crier will also have the equipment confiscated.  “Sorry, security reasons.” is all he says.  Once the scan is complete, Ray gestures for the Away Team to follow him. 

He leads them into the lobby of a three-story building (reception/office/communications building).

In the center of the room is a holographic display of the Penal Colony; cutaways show views of the mineshafts as well.  The UFP seal decorates one wall.  A few well-used chairs are spaced around, and some tools indicate some sort of construction or repair work may be occurring or planned in the building.  Otherwise the room is nondescript. 

A Routine (5) Security (Law Enforcement) Skill Test will suggest it is not very secure for some of the tools present (laser cutters, etc) to be sitting about unsupervised, as is apparently the case.  Crier leads the Away Team to a door, says “In here” and follows after them; the four guards remain outside.

Mulholland stands as the Away Team members enter. A Routine (4) Search Test shows that his movements are somewhat shaky; he continues to speak in a monotone.  The room is well decorated, with a star map of the Dolak system on one wall and a couple of nice chairs sitting in front of the Warden’s wide desk.  A door opens across in the wall opposite of where the Away Team and Crier enter, while a tapestry again depicting the UPC seal hangs across the back wall.  The room is fairly crowded with the Away Team and Crier all inside.  If somebody moves to closely examine or touch the tapestry, or attempts to lean against it, Muholland will actually show a bit of emotion, and will say “Hey!  Don’t touch…valuable…uh, in my family a long time.” 

Mulholland will deny any problems on Dolak IV and will also deny awareness of any distress call and suggest there must be a mistake, or perhaps a hoax.  If asked about mutiny, rebellion, escapes, etc., he will deny any such.   However, if the life signs in the jungle were mentioned either now or before the Away Team beamed down, he will state that a group of prisoners did escape earlier today while on their way to a mining detail.   He will say, somewhat lamely, he was embarrassed to admit this at first.  He will state that his men are rounding the prisoners up, have already recaptured most of them and that the problem is expected to be under control shortly.  He will graciously refuse any offer of assistance, and if pressed, will state firmly that this is a local matter, under Penal authority, not Starfleet.  A Routine (3) Law (Federation or Starfleet Regulations) Skill Test confirms that Warden Mulholland has the authority to refuse Starfleet assistance in such matters, though that would be an unusual course of action.

At that moment, the door across from where the Team entered opens.  Read the following description:

In stumbles a Human male wearing dirty white clothing and a lab coat.  He has short, unkempt white hair and several days’ beard growth, and is bleeding from scratches on his forehead and temples; he also has blood on his fingernails, suggesting his injuries are self-inflicted.  He has a wide-eyed, crazed expression.  At first he makes speaking movements, but no sounds.  Then, with apparent difficulty, he speaks, as his eyes roll back.  (hoarse voice, halting and stammering) “Horrible...stop them…experiments…” then, much louder, “Romulans!”

Mulholland mumbles “Dr. Crane has not been well lately,” as the haggard-looking man keels over.  At that moment, two guards appear in the doorway he ran through, stunrods in hand.  At that same instant, the tapestry fades out with a slight hum.  Most of the back wall is missing; holoemitters are visible along the edges of the wall.  Standing behind the open wall are four more guards, with phasers drawn and pointed at members of the away crew, and behind them stand two uniformed Romulans, with disruptors raised and readied, but not aimed.

If any member of the Away team moves a hand toward his/her combadge, the guards will fire (Heavy Stun, 6+4d6 damage) at that individual only.  If not, Crier will move among the Away Team, taking their combadges.  Once he has them all, he will toss them in a corner of the room, adjust the setting on his phaser, and vaporize them. He will look the highest-ranking officer in the eye, pause and say “You are all Cardassian spies…amazing what they can do with surgical alteration these days.”  Mulholland stands with a blank stare.      

It is possible a total melee might break out at this point.  If it does, the Away Team will most probably lose, as they are badly outnumbered and unarmed.  The guards and the Romulans will use weapons on Heavy Stun settings (setting 3).  They will stop shooting once all Away Team members have either surrendered or been stunned.  Should some of the Away Team members escape, have them pursued a bit by guards, then found by some of Connor’s men who have been watching the colony compound, as noted in Act 2, Scene 1, below.  Scenes 3 and 5 of Act 2 will then unfold pretty much as presented.  For dramatic purposes, it works best if some of the away team is captured, so Act 2, Scene 4 (below) can be played out and the captives rescued by their companions in Act 3.

If the melee does break out, have a missed shot go astray and strike Mulholland.  He will fall to his knees, showing more emotion than before, muttering "Get away…escape while you can… God, Emma…oh, no," before passing out.  This abrupt change in Mulholland’s demeanor may clue the players in that stun-setting energy weapons disrupt the controlling nanites. 

The Away Team will probably have the good idea of attempting to wrestle away the guards’ weapons.  If they manage to do so, they will find that the weapons will not work for them.  The guards’ weapons are keyed to function only for specific users, via sensor devices in the grips, to prevent prisoners from grabbing and using them.  A Routine (4) Security (Law Enforcement) Skill Test will remind a surprised character this is fairly standard procedure for penal settings.  The Romulans’ weapons are not protected in this manner, but the Away Team will have to fight through the guards to get to the Romulans, and the Romulans will naturally act to prevent this.

Assuming the whole Away Team is not already stunned, Crier will direct other Away Team members to carry their stunned companions.  He will direct them outside, toward a long, broad two-story building (the medical and maximum security facilities).  If all Away Team members either escaped or were stunned, the stunned captives will be carried by the guards. 



As the Away Team captives are being dragged/marched across the compound, beam weapons are fired from the foliage at the edges of the compound.  The Romulans will dive back into the lobby for cover, while the guards will drop any characters they are carrying to fall prone or seek cover, then open fire.  The Narrator may wish to have one or more of the guards be hit and stunned, to demonstrate how their behavior changes and they seem more aware of what is wrong with their situation, as described above. 

Once attacked, the guards will pay more attention to the attackers than the Away Team, giving some Away Team members a chance to escape.  Characters who were not stunned can choose to just flee.  Klingons and any characters with positive Vitality edges who were stunned can make a Fitness Test; a result of 5 or better means the character awakens enough to attempt to flee.  Any fleeing character who wants to carry one of his unconscious companions needs to make an Athletics (Lifting) Skill Test; characters who were not stunned need only a Routine (4) Test result, while those who have just recovered from being stunned need a Challenging (10) result.  As noted above, it is probably best if at least a couple of the characters remain captives, for purposes of playing out Scene 4, below.  If it looks like everybody will escape, have the guards attempt to stun some of the fleeing captives, concentrating fire on those carrying companions in favor of those running on their own, and targeting Humans over non-humans. 

Some characters may be reluctant to flee, leaving their companions behind; if the character has an appropriate Disadvantage, such as some Codes of Honor (Defender or Klingon, for example), this may be very good role-playing.  However (again, for dramatic purposes) it is preferable that at least a few of the Away Team members escape.  The unseen, would-be rescuers hiding in the brush will attempt to get conscious characters to flee, saying “Come on…we can save them later!” or such.  Alternately, the Narrator may decide that when the guards scatter at the first attack, they drag some of the stunned, higher-ranked Away Team members (preferably Humans) with them to the medical/security compound, such that they are at this moment beyond rescue.  Characters who refuse to flee and try again later under those circumstances probably deserve to be stunned and captured again. 

Once in the jungle, the rescued Away Team members are met by four ragtag-looking individuals carrying an assortment of phaser rifles and pistols.

Three men and a woman, all Human, they look tired and dirty, and their exposed skin areas are a mess of welts, cuts, rashes, boils and sores; one man has one arm in a sling, and the hand of that arm is swollen and an angry reddish-purple color.  “You must be the Starfleet officers come to save us,” the woman chuckles, showing a gap indicating a missing front upper tooth.  She has short hair and smooth, dark skin, marked by cuts and bruises; one eye is swollen near-shut.  "C’mon," she says, "let’s go before they send more zombies after us!”

If the Away Team members ask for weapons, one of the men hands them a survival knife; the woman mutters “Not enough to go around as is.”

If the characters introduce themselves, their rescuers give their names.  The woman says, “I am Lana Grayson.  These guys are Joe, Wilson and Toad.”  Asked much else, she will say “Wait 'tll we get back to base camp.  There’ll be time for questions then.”


On the starship, the First Officer and any Crew there will probably be awaiting word from the Away Team.  With a Routine (4) Shipboard Systems (Communications) Skill Test the character stationed at Mission Ops or Communications will pick up low-powered transmission that was obviously not intended to travel far and sounds like subspace disturbance, but which clearly came from the planet.  Hailing Dolak IV, the Crew will get a delayed response from the still-lethargic Elrod Tain.

“Just checking the subspace radio.  That message you said …from here…testing.  You know?”

Asked what he was transmitting, Tain says:

            “Just noise…to see if you received it.”

He will then disconnect, and will not respond to further hails.

A Moderate (7) Communications Test will reveal an indeterminate “something fishy” about the transmission.  A Challenging (11) Shipboard Systems (Communication) or Moderate (8) Espionage (Covert Communications) Skill Test will reveal a brief, coded message hidden in the transmission; due to the brevity of the message, breaking the code will require a Nearly Impossible (15) Espionage (Cryptography) Skill Test.  Even if the Crew cannot decode the message, finding it should further confirm something fishy is up at Dolak IV.  (The message was sent to inform the Shaa’zir of the situation with the Away Team; if necessary, the Narrator can make up a brief, appropriate message to convey the necessary information.)


Read the following description to the players:

The travel through the jungle is long, slow and torturous.  The air is humid and buzzing with insects.  So far as you can tell, the dominant life forms on this planet appear to be spiky vines and biting flies.  You quickly learn to avoid brushing against wet, fuzzy-looking leaves which hang down from many trees, as the apparent fuzz turns out to be wicked, fine barbs which tear skin easily and leave a burning rash.  Insects swarm to each cut and sore that opens.  You notice that for the most part your rescuers seem to ignore the bugs, perhaps stung too often to notice at this point.

The Away Team members each need to make a Moderate (6) Planetary Survival (Jungle) Skill Test.  Those succeeding receive only a variety of annoying cuts, scrapes, insect bites and rashes, but no significant wounds.  Characters who fail take 1d4+1 points of damage during the travel.

At one point, you and your newfound friends are walking across a fallen tree that bridges a patch of mud looking suspiciously like quicksand.  You notice your new companions watching the mud carefully. (Wait to see if the characters ask before continuing.) “Watch out for any movement," the man with his arm in a sling says.  “Mud vipers.  One bites you, you’ll be dead before you know you were bit.”

Call for each character to make a Search Skill Test, modified by Perception and Alertness, difficulty Routine (5).  Direct the following statement to those who succeed on this Skill Test:

Out of the corner of your eye, you see some movement from above, gliding down toward the woman, Lana: a black, multi-legged creature with bright red spots, about the size of a rat, dangling on a piece of glistening silk.

If a character raises an alarm, one of the men will fire at the creature, or the PCs can attack it.  Any hit with a weapon will destroy it, but Difficulty is +3 due to the creature’s small size.  Surprise lost, the creature will attempt to flee.

The woman looks at the creature as it (is sucked quickly into the mud, if it was hit, or climbs back up its silk, if allowed to escape).  "Firespider," one of the men mutters.  Another adds “One of those things bites you, its venom makes your blood boil inside you.”  Lana turns and nods acknowledgment at (whoever raised the alarm and killed the spider).  “Thanks.  I owe you one.”


Any Away Team members captured in Act 1, Scene 3 who did not escape in Act 2, Scene 1 will be placed in detention cells.  Humans will be kept in a separate cell from any non-human captives.  The characters will awaken in a cell, looking through a force field at two of the penal colony guards, who stand a few feet away and stare into the cell, silently and with blank expressions.

Shortly after all captives awaken, four Romulans will enter the cellblock; describe as follows:

The first two wear the typical uniforms of low-ranked Romulan officers; they nudge aside the guards, who stand back without a word.  Next comes a tall, very attractive Romulan woman wearing a different uniform (Routine (4) Culture (Romulan) Skill Test to identify a sub-commander’s uniform); she gazes at you with cool contempt.  Last is a strikingly strange figure, a tall, abnormally thin Romulan with unkempt, gray-white hair.  He wears a white surgeon’s coat over a tight-fitting black bodysuit of some armored-looking material.  At his belt you note several devices and an insignia of some sort (Moderate (7) Culture (Romulan) Test to identify the Tal Shiar emblem).   His gaze is curious, and much more unsettling than that of the female officer.  A moment later, Warden Mulholland wanders in behind the strange Romulan, his movements somewhat jerky.

The tall male Romulan glides to within a half-inch of the security field and looks closely at (the highest-ranking Human captive).  After a pause he says (in a cool, deep voice, slowly and evenly) “(Rank), I trust you were not severely injured.  No head injury, I hope?  No lasting headache?  Nausea, blurred vision?”  Standing back, he smiles.  "I forget myself.  I am Dr. Tolias.  Accompanying me is the charming Subcommander T’Mei."  The woman grimaces as he gestures toward her.  He then turns briefly toward the other two Romulans who are standing at attention.  “And these are…well, they don’t matter.  And you…you are my guests…unexpected guests, but one has to make the best of surprises, I suppose.”

The tall male Romulan continues:

“I suppose you are wondering what is going on here, yes?  Or have you guessed?  If so, please, tell me.  Let me hear what you have figured out.  Demonstrate the famed Starfleet reasoning abilities.”

If the Away Team members reply. Dr. Tolias will respond in a condescending manner, though complimenting any astute observations.  He will then go on to explain his plot, clarifying points the players have not figured out yet.  You can use the included soliloquies, or ad-lib his dialogue to play off the Away Team’s comments, mentioning the following points along the way.

Finally, he says,

“I am just about finished with my work here, and we will be leaving soon.  We cannot leave any survivors behind…my activities here must remain a secret for now.  But the Subcommander has suggested we see what sorts of interesting information I can get from you.  Of course I agreed.  She and her superior have been so helpful to me.  And besides,” he says, leering at the female Romulan, “one should try to never disappoint a woman of such beauty and poise.”  She stands dispassionately as he grins widely, then turns to the guards, pointing at the highest- ranked human prisoner.  “Bring this one to my laboratory.” 

Turning back, Dr. Tolias addresses the captives. 

“I expect you are planning to try to rush my guards and escape.  If you do…”

He pauses, then pushes a button on an instrument on his belt.  Two more Romulans enter, dragging two disheveled-looking women behind them, then point their disruptors at the women.

“Well, if you do, Warden Mulholland’s wife and this other young woman will suffer a great deal…while you watch.  Please, do be civilized about this.”  (Have each PC make two Search Skill Tests; on Moderate (6) results, they notice Dr. Tolias’ hand move toward another instrument on his belt and Mulholland, apparently forgotten at the back of the room, briefly grit his teeth and clench his fists in anger at Tolias’ words.) 

Dr. Tolias then falls back near the door, Subcommander T’Mei in front of him.  The two Romulans aim their weapons toward the cell as one of the human guards deactivates the force field and another moves in to put cuffs on the selected Crewmember.  If the Away Team members do try to fight, Dr. Tolias will use his belt controls to inflict horrible pain on the two women via the nanites in their system while ordering them to attack the Away Team.  At the same time, the controlled guards and the Romulans will use their weapons (on Heavy Stun) to subdue the Away Team.  While not overwhelming, the odds are against the Crew, and in all likelihood the end result will be that the chosen character will be taken away while his companions remain incarcerated and perhaps stunned. 


Read the following description, directing it to the Away Team members that escaped the penal colony compound.  Ad lib to provide extra details and respond to the Away Team’s questions and statements.

After the long, unpleasant trek through the jungle, you and your rescuers come to the side of a short, squat mountain with a cave opening into it, the entrance partly hidden by large, vine-encrusted boulders.  The woman, Lana, makes some bird calls; after a moment, two sentries step from behind the boulders, waving you all forward with one hand, each brandishing a stripped-down phaser in his other hand.  Lana instructs the guards, “Keep watch for zombies,” and takes a portable light from one of them.  She then starts into the cave, gesturing for you to follow.  Wilson, Toad and Joe fall in behind you. 

You follow a rough, natural passage.  It is the first place you have been since leaving the compound that is not teeming with plant and animal life, and a quick glance confirms that the passage has been swept with energy weapon fire.  After a couple minutes the winding, descending passage opens into a large cave, lit by several portable lanterns.  Several people are busy with various tasks; a couple others, obviously wounded or ill, are lying down.  These people have very little gear, including only a few weapons, a mix of Federation and Romulan arms.  Three men approach as Lana enters the cave.  She says, “I bring visitors.  We ended up rescuing our rescuers.”

The first is a tall human with unruly, bright red hair and several days of beard growth.  He also suffers from an angry red rash on both hands and the left side of his face.  He looks you over carefully but quickly, his quick, green eyes showing intelligence.  (The player who received Handout #2, if present, will recognize his old associate, Daniel Connor).

Standing next to the redhead is a tall, burly Orion with dark green skin and long, black hair worn in a long braid.  His long, droopy mustache is also braided, and you notice ornate tattoos all over his muscular arms, which are bare, the arms of his shirt torn off.  He is carrying a bat’leth in one hand.  Behind the Orion stands a small, nervous-looking man with wispy, thinning blond hair.

The redhead says, “I am Dan Connor.  I guess I’m the leader of this bunch.  This is Kroog” - he gestures toward the Orion - "and this is our celebrity, Tomar Tulik." (Give all players an appropriate Culture Skill Test, as detailed on below, to know about him.)  "I am assuming you have a starship orbiting this planet, and since you are out here, I am assuming you have no way to contact them right now.  Unfortunately, neither do we.  Our first base camp got raided days ago, and we lost the transmission equipment Lana and I were able to rig up.”

Connor will answer questions as best he can; he wants help and to be helpful and is not the least bit evasive.  He will detail how he and several of the other prisoners escaped when the Romulans showed up and started rounding everybody else up 9 days ago.  Asked how he and his companions have managed to stay alive and avoid recapture for the past 9 days, he will smile and respond:

“Well, there are a lot of thieves, poachers and smugglers here, and the security is not very tight as far as people coming and going.  There’s really nowhere to go, after all.  Over time, some of us have learned our way around the area within a few miles of the compound.  Most of the guards knew, and I’m sure Warden Mulholland did too, but they really didn’t care so long as nobody got hurt too badly or caused any trouble.  It also probably helped that Kroog here used to bring back interesting flowers for the Warden to give to his wife.” 

Connor will also provide the following information, on his own or in response to questions:

This situation obviously gives a medical officer something to keep busy.  Taylar and two others are Incapacitated, requiring a Difficult (13) First Aid or Medical Sciences Test to diagnose and treat; several others are Injured or Wounded (Moderate (7) and Challenging (10) to diagnose/treat).  Lana, Connor and Kroog are suffering from lesser degrees of injury, as noted below, and could also benefit from medical assistance.

Successful Medical Science Skill Tests will reduce an injury level by one level; further treatment will require more extensive medical care and facilities.

Once Connor has had a chance to fill in the Away Team and they have had time to ask questions, move on to the following:

Suddenly you hear the sounds of energy weapon fire echoing down the passageway you entered thorough.  Everybody in the cave scrambles to prepare weapons, pick up equipment or see to the wounded.  Connor draws his phaser, then runs to a table and picks up a chaka in his other hand. (If there is an Andorian and/or a Klingon in the Away Team, he will hand the chaka to the Andorian and/or order Kroog to hand over the bat’leth to the Klingon.  He says, “One of the guards kept these in his quarters until we took them on our way out.  They’ll probably do more good in your hands than ours.”

A man comes sprinting down into the cave.  You recognize him as one of the two sentries you encountered coming in.  “Zombies! Lots of them!” he pants.  “We can hold them off for a time, but eventually they’ll bring up riot grenades, or just overwhelm us with numbers, and then we’ve had it.  And I overheard one of them transmitting our location back to the compound.”

Connor pauses, silently, and looks around, first at his people, who are all watching him, then at you, finally focusing his gaze on the highest-ranking member of the Away Team.

This is the Away Team’s chance to state their ideas and possibly take command of the situation.  Connor will listen to their ideas, but will caution against fighting the controlled guards, instead suggesting his plan (as described immediately below).  If the Team leader presses for everybody fighting here, roll an Opposed Skill Test of Command (Combat Leadership) between Connor and the Team leader.  If the team leader wins this Test, Connor and his followers will go along with the Away Team’s plan; if Connor wins, he and his crew will favor his idea, but of course the player characters are free to do as they choose.  If the Away Team offers no guidance, or asks him what he thinks, read the following:

“We can’t just break camp.  We have too many wounded, and any wounded we leave behind, or any non-humans captured, will be killed.”  He points to the sentry and another man, picking up a disruptor rifle from a table and tossing it to the second man.  “You two are in charge here.  Fend them off for as long as you can.  Don’t try to repel or defeat them, just hold them off.  I am going to try to change the odds.”

Looking first at Kroog, then the Away Team, he continues.  There’s another way out of here.  While their heavy forces are diverted here, we can get back to the compound to try to get a message back to your ship and free whoever we can.  This will probably be our best chance to free your friends.” (This assumes some Away Team members were captured).   Looking at his men again, he asks, “Who’s with me?”

Lana and Kroog immediately move forward.  After a pause, Tomar Tulik says, “Me too, I guess.”  The Orion throws his head back and gives a hearty laugh.  “The mouse has found his roar!  Hah!”  Putting his arm around the small man, he says, “Look on the bright side.  If you are captured, maybe your Ferengi friends can ransom for your freedom!”

If Connor is in charge, he will look to the Away Team leader and say, “Let’s go.”  Otherwise, he will quickly suggest “We’d better get going.  The men I leave here won’t be able to hold them off long.”


It is possible that some of the Away Team members may decide to stay at Connor’s base camp with the wounded.  This is particularly likely for Medical Officers with Hippocratic Oath, or possibly characters with the Code of Honor: Defender Disadvantage.  If so, during Act 3, jump cut during some other scenes to ad-lib some combat at the base camp, giving characters there a chance to show their mettle.  A brave showing under such circumstances may earn a character appropriate Renown, or perhaps a Commendation or Courage Point, at the Narrator’s option.

It is also possible the starship will get involved at this point.  If the First Officer specifically ordered the Crew on the ship to monitor transmissions on Dolak IV, a Moderate (8) Shipboard Systems (Communications) Skill Test will pick up a transmission between nanite-controlled guards and the penal colony compound.  If orders to monitor such communications were not specified, Mission Ops or another appropriate officer will notice the transmission with a Difficult (11) Skill Test.  The transmission is as follows:

GUARD:  "Um…we have found them.  The prisoners.  They are 2 kilometers west of your location…at my coordinates…a cave in that low, fat mountain."

ELROD TAIN (still sounding like Eeyore): "Okay…neat…good work.   Really good.  (Long pause).  Um…we will send more men there to help you."

Then several other transmissions will be sent to and acknowledged by some of the guards patrolling the jungle surrounding the penal compound.

The First Officer may also decide to have the ship intervene at this point.  Ad lib such actions as you see fit.  For example, if a security detail is beamed down to the planet, the Away Team and Connor’s crew may assault and defeat guards at the base camp, which will result in a larger force raiding the penal compound to free the captives there.  If the starship takes any direct action against he penal compound itself, including transporting security teams there, Commander Molak will decloak the Shaa’zir and attack the ship; otherwise, he will continue to wait. 



Read the following to the Crewmember who was taken from the holding cell during Act 2, Scene 4.

You are fastened to a metal table that is rotated to a near-vertical position.  You can wiggle your hands and feet, but your arms, legs and torso are immobilized, and your head is held tightly against the table by restraints.  The room is extremely dark, except for a bright light shining down over the table.  Here and there in the darkness you see electronic equipment lights, and just on the edge of the edge you see a metal stand holding many shining, sharp-looking instruments.  The only other people in the room are the two Romulans, Dr. Tolias and Subcommander T’Mei. 

The Romulan doctor moves close and places his hand on your face, positioning his fingers at different spots in a familiar manner…what he is doing resembles demonstrations of the Vulcan mind meld technique you have observed during your years of training and service.   He closes his eyes, then opens them slowly as a smile spreads across his face. “Ah,” he sighs at last.  “There.  Now let’s see what you have on your mind.”  You suddenly feel the presence of another mind - his - intruding on yours.

Per page 98 of the ST:TNG RPG Core Game Book, the Crew member can resist Psi powers by attempting an Opposed Test each round, using either Mind Shield or Presence against Dr. Tolias’ psionic skills.  In this case, he will be attempting to use Mind Control and Receptive Telepathy, alternating these to force answers from the Crewman and determine their truth.  Dr. Tolias’s Skill Tests will be at –1 Difficulty due to his touching his target.  In the case of Mind Control, the Crewman’s Willpower edge will modify his Opposed Test.  Tolias asks many questions, included some suggested by Sub-commander T’Mei.  Examples include:

After a very long time of this, Dr. Tolias pulls his hand away and gets a distant look for a moment.  He then smiles again, and says.  “Now, to double-check  We fall back on older - and some believe more reliable - methods.”  He picks up a hypospray from among the instruments and administers an injection to your neck.  You quickly start to feel disoriented, having difficulty focusing.  Then he picks up another instrument and starts waving it in front of your eyes, droning.  “Yessss…jussssssttt wwaaaatchhhh  thhaaatt...”  From your training, you realize he is attempting to hypnotize you, and you are finding it difficult to resist.

Call for Opposed Test of Tolias’ Behavior Modification (Hypnosis) Skill vs. the character’s Intellect or Presence (whichever is higher), modified by Perception or Willpower.  If Tolias wins, the character will know only that he does not recall what happened for a while; if the character wins, Tolias eventually gives up and moves on to his next procedure.

The overhead light goes off, and the room is much darker.  Your point of view changes as the table you are strapped to moves into a reclining position.  Tolias steps near; you see he is wearing some sort of headgear with a viewing instrument over one eye, and a light that shines into your face.  He sets up some equipment around your head, humming as he places each piece.  Finally he steps back; without the light directly in your face, you can see him grinning.  It is not a pleasant sight.  “And now the fun begins,” he says.  In your peripheral vision, you see two long, sharp-looking instruments move toward the sides of your head.  Suddenly you feel excruciating pain.

Call for a Test against either Behavior Modification (Resistance) or the character’s Presence, either modified by Willpower.  Have the character record the result, which will be important later, in Scene 4a.  (Unknown to the character, at least at this point, Tolias is injecting his nanites and doing some very selective reprogramming, planning to use the character to disrupt the ship later, when the Shaa/zir attacks).


Direct this to the Away Team members who are with Connor and his men.

Connor and his crew direct you to a narrow, winding passageway at the rear of their cave encampment.  It eventually opens off to the south of where you entered the cave.  You can hear sounds of fighting off in that direction.  Connor points ahead, waving you all forward.  Kroog and Lana start to move off ahead. (They will take point unless the Away Team leader is in charge and directs otherwise; Connor will point out that Lana and Kroog know the jungle better than anybody.)   At times they move far enough ahead that you can’t see them.  As you move into the jungle, the vines and thorns and bugs again tear and bite at you, but now that you have a goal in mind, they seem like more an annoyance than a major threat.

If an Away Team member is at point, have that character make a Search Skill Test, Difficulty Moderate (3) to see two of the nanite-controlled guards approaching, wearing heavy armor and carrying phaser rifles.  Roll an Opposed Test of the guards’ Search vs. the point character’s Stealth Skill to see whether either side is caught off guard.   Play out the encounter with these guards, alternating with the encounter below.  If no player character is at point, just read the following.

Suddenly you hear the sound of phaser fire ahead, where Kroog and Lana went.

At the same time the point men are attacked, call for the other Away Team members to make a Search Skill Test.  On a Routine (4) or better result, they see movement out of the corner of their eye; two more guards, wearing heavy armor and carrying phaser rifles.  Roll an Opposed Test as noted above to determine whether the guards see the Away Team members, Connor, or Tomar Tulik. 

The guards will fight to the best of their ability.  Wise characters will attempt to use trees and foliage as cover; the guards will attempt this once they are fired upon.  Attacks against a target hiding behind a tree are at +2 Difficulty, and the tree counts as 10 points of armor; a bush provides only two points of armor, but adds +2 Difficulty for visual cover.  The guards will start out using weapons on heavy stun, but will switch to higher settings if necessary (for example, to blast through a tree a character is using for cover). Switching weapon settings and firing in the same phase results in multiple action penalties of +1 Difficulty to the attack that phase.   Tomar Tulik will initially dive for cover when fighting breaks out, but will later pop up from behind cover to fire at the guards if necessary.  His weapon is a Romulan disruptor set at setting 3 (Light Thermal, doing 10+2d6); he will be first amazed - then appalled - if he hits anybody.

If no Away Team members are with Kroog and Lana, it plays out that Kroog was temporarily disarmed and ended up taking out one guard with a sharp tree limb, and that Lana was stunned during the fighting.  Kroog can help with the other fight if necessary.  Lana is groggy and encourages the others to go on ahead, saying she will catch up later.  Assuming he survives the encounter, Tomar Tulik refuses to leave her and offers to support her as everybody moves on. Connor cautions going on quickly, noting “The noise may draw more company.  We have to move now.”


Onboard the ship, a Routine (3) Shipboard Systems (Communications) Skill Test will detect another static-like, low-power transmission from the prison colony compound to space.  If the first transmission was intercepted in Act 2, Scene 2, having a second transmission will make analysis of the transmissions easier.  Determining that there is a message hidden behind the static requires a Challenging (9) Shipboard Systems (Communications) or Routine (5) Espionage (Covert Communications) Skill Test at this point.  Translating the message still requires a Difficult (13) Espionage (Cryptography) Skill Test.  Success with this Skill Test provides the following:

"Subcommander T’Mei to Imperial Starship Shaa’zir.  We are preparing to depart, and to leave a surprise for the Federation vessel.  We will be ready at my next transmission.  T’Mei out."

The penal colony does not respond to hails from the starship.


This scene is presented as a series of jump-cuts, occurring immediately following each other and alternating between the captured Away Team members in their cells and their would-be rescuers storming the penal colony compound.  The sub-scenes are listed as 4a, b, c, etc., and should be presented in order, unless the Crew does something to disrupt that order (which, of course, role players have a habit of doing).

Note that Dr. Tolias and Subcommander T’Mei will be aware as the rescue party approaches the penal compound, due to the cloaked remote drones he has patrolling with the nano-controlled guards and around the compound (see Tolias’ writeup below for details).  Since they want the rescue attempt to succeed, they will use this information to stage events (Scenes 4c and 4e) so that the rescuers apparently interrupt the planned execution of the Away Team prisoners. 

4a:  Cellblock

Two of the reprogrammed guards stand at attention, watching the Away Team members in their cell(s).  They stand aside as two Romulans enter, dragging between them the character who was interrogated by Dr. Tolias.  The Romulans hand the prisoner to one of the guards and ready their weapons as the other guard deactivates the security force field.  The character is tossed into the cell, the security field reactivated.  The Romulans leave and the guards take their position again, staring blankly into the cell.

The character returned to the cell is groggy and sweaty, and has a horrible headache but no obvious injuries.  He recalls being interrogated via psionics and subjected to hypnosis, but what else he recalls really depends on the results of the Behavior Modification (Resistance) or Presence + Willpower Test he made at the end of Scene 1.  If the character’s Test result was 10 or better, give the character’s player Handout 3a (see Handouts section).   In this case, his recollections may clue him or his companions in that he may have been reprogrammed.  If the check Test was less than 10, he will only recall torturous pain; give the player Handout 3b.

(Dr. Tolias injected the character with nanites and did some quick, very selective programming.  He plans for the character to end up back on his ship, where his programming will kick in and cause him to disrupt things when the Shaa’zir attacks, hopefully giving the Romulans an extra element of surprise and a decisive edge in destroying the Crew’s ship, thus insuring no witnesses are alive to report on his experiments and the Romulan attack on Dolak IV.)

4b:  Outside

The Away Team members with Connor’s team watch at the edge of the jungle and observe the compound.  They see three Romulans guarding the entrance to the maximum security/infirmary building (which Connor will identify); from there, the Romulans have a clear line of sight to the entrances of every other building on the compound.  Connor attempts a tricorder scan and notes that the security/infirmary building is shielded with some sort of sensor-cloaking technology.  Asked about other buildings, he will note several life signs in the cellblock/dormitory buildings and a few in the administration building, where the communication equipment is located.  Asked, he will note other highlights, including sheds where supplies are located, the large warehouse-like building housing the mine entrance, and the bunker-style building housing the compound’s power systems (which he says are protected by good security systems).

If the Away Team members do not suggest a route of approach, Connor asks the Team leader if s/he thinks they should try to sneak up or take out the guards from the edge of the jungle, then move up.  He notes that taking them out from here with energy weapons will be noisy, but that sneaking across the open grounds will leave them exposed to the Romulans’ fire if they are seen.  He and his followers will go along with any reasonable plan.

4c:  Cellblock

Read the following:

Subcommander T’Mei stalks in, followed by two male Romulans, the pair that brought (the Crewmember) back to the cell.  She glares at you all through the security field.  “I think we have all the information we are likely to need from you, and we have run out of time for Dr. Tolias’ little experiments.  That means you and the prisoners here have all become…very expendable.”  She smiles just a bit, then taps one of the dazed-looking human guards.  “You.  When I count to three, open the field.”  She then moves back, to near the door, drawing her disruptor pistol.  "You," she says to the other guard and the Romulans, "Ready your weapons.  Aim…” she begins, as they draw their weapons and point them at the cell.

4d:  Outside

If the Away Team and Connor’s team decide to attack from a distance, they are out of range for a Type I phaser, at Long for at Type 2 phaser or a disruptor, and at Extreme Medium range for a phaser rifle.  The noise will readily alert the Romulans in the buildings of what is happening.  If they decide to sneak up, doing an Opposed Test of the attackers’ Sneak Skill vs. the Romulans’ Intellect.  The Away Team is at a disadvantage due to limited cover; apply –2 to their Test Result unless they offer a plan that would reasonably nullify that disadvantage (Narrator’s judgment). 

Either way, play out the conflict.  If the good guys manage to take out the Romulan sentries quietly, make a note to remind you to reward them appropriately at the end of the Episode (perhaps giving them a level in the Stealth Skill), but then have another Romulan wander around the corner of the building or from one of the cellblock buildings.  He will fire a weapon and raise the alarm, thereby interrupting the imminent execution of the Away Team members inside the infirmary/maximum security building.

4e:  Cellblock

Read the following:

As the Romulans are taking aim and the human guard prepares to open the security field, you all suddenly hear weapon fire from somewhere outside.  The Romulans hear it too, and stop to look around, though the humans continue to focus on you, apparently either not noticing or not caring about what happens outside the scope of their orders.  Subcommander T’Mei points to the Romulans.  “You come with me.  We will take care of them later.”  She directs the humans to keep watch on you, then she and the two Romulans file out.

If either now, or looking back later, an Away Team member thinks to ask how surprised the Romulans seemed to be, allow Skill Tests against any of the following:  Artistic Expression (Acting), Medical Science (Psychology) and Search.  A Moderate 8 result in any of these, or two Routine (4) Test results, will indicate that though T’Mei acted surprised, she was not very convincing.  This might suggest to the Crew that the Romulans intended for the Away Team to escape back to the starship.  


Onboard the ship, a Routine (3) Shipboard Systems (Communications) Skill Test will detect yet another transmission from Dolak IV.  If the covert message has not yet been discovered, but both other transmissions have been intercepted, comparison of the transmissions will reveal the secret message with either a Moderate (7) Shipboard Systems (Communications) or Routine (3) Espionage (Covert Communications) Skill Test.  These difficulties will be Challenging (9) and Routine (5) if only one of the previous transmissions was intercepted.    If all three transmissions have been intercepted, a Challenging (9) Cryptography Skill Test will translate the message.  It reads:

“Subcommander T’Mei to Imperial Starship Shaa’zir.   All is ready and the compound is under attack.  Please move into position and prepare to transport nine personnel plus equipment and medical samples.  T’Mei out.”

At this point, Commander Molak will move the Shaa’zir into standard orbit.  Unless the Crew have come up with some remarkably good idea, the Romulan warship will still be undetectable at this point.


Much of what happens in this scene, and the order in which it unfolds, will depend on the characters’ choices.  If the rescuers split up, so as to try to simultaneously free the captured Away Team members and other prisoners, send a message to the ship, etc., you may have to jump-cut around between these various actions.  The Narrator should not play out any events where none of the Crew are present:  just decide what happens, as you deem dramatically appropriate, and report the results to the Crew accordingly.  Use the following as guidelines for such actions:


Having moved into position, the Shaa’zir will decloak and attempt to beam up the Romulans on Dolak IV.  While the Warbird is decloaking, the Crew will have normal chances to detect it and attack before it can raise shields.  A Challenging (11) Starship Systems (Sensors) Skill Test will allow an attack at +3 Difficulty before the Shaazir finishes decloaking.  Unless the Crew’s ship moves closer, all combat will take place at Short range (Difficulty Routine (4)).  Note also the relative Sizes of the two ships.  For example, Shaa’zir (Size 10) would have +3 Difficulty to hit a Nebula-class ship like the Discovery (Size 7), while the Discovery would have –3 Difficulty to hit the Shaa’zir.  The Shaa’zir will also be immobile until it has finished transporting (-2 Difficulty to be hit after the initial round when it decloaks).  Also apply bonus or penalty dice to the Tactical Officer’s attack rolls based on the sensor lock, as detailed on p. 148 of the ST:TNG Core Game Book.  Bonuses for Command Skill do not apply during these initial rounds, as the Shaa’zir is not actually engaging in combat at this point.

As soon as possible, the Shaa’zir will activate her forward shields and take one round to transport the Romulans from Dolak IV.  During this time she will not attack, but will hold attacks in case her opponent notices the aft shields are down and tries to take advantage of this.  Commander Molak’s officers will attempt to intercept attacks which seek to bypass the forward shields; in particular, they will attempt to destroy any photon torpedoes which are launched (+9 Difficulty to hit a Size 1 target).

During this round, have the Crewmember manning the Sensors make a Shipboard Systems (Sensors) Skill Test. A Routine (3) result will show that two of the Warbird’s transporters lock and activate, beaming someone/thing aboard.  A Routine (5) Test result will reveal that only the forward shield of the Warbird is raised.  A Moderate (8) Shipboard Systems (Tactical) Skill Test will allow the Tactical Officer to target a photon torpedo to bypass the Shaa’zir’s shield.  Doing this and attacking in the same round will result in a +1 Difficulty to each Skill Test, per normal multiple action penalties, unless the Tactical Officer has the Multitasking Advantage.

On the next round (round 3), the Shaazir will activate full shields and start to move away, fighting while dodging (see p. 142 of the Core Rule Book) but obviously attempting to retreat.  During this combat round, modifiers for Command do apply (Opposed Starship Tactics Skill Test, the Crew’s First Officer vs. Commander Molak).

On Round 4, the Shaa’zir will attempt a steep dive and turn (Moderate (8) Difficulty) while continuing to dodge and while engaging her cloaking device.  As usual, a Challenging (11) Shipboard Systems (Sensors) Skill Test will be necessary to attack the Romulan vessel before it cloaks; success allows the Tactical Officer to attack the unshielded Warbird at +3 difficulty.  Even if this opportunity is missed, if the First Officer succeeds in a  Moderate (8) Starship Tactics (Romulan) Skill Test, he will recognize the Shaazir’s maneuver and likely heading, allowing the Tactical Officer to attempt a Difficult (13) Shipboard Systems (Tactical) Skill Test to launch a blind attack.

Note:  If the Away Team member who was reprogrammed by Dr. Tolias is already onboard the ship at this time, he will attempt to sabotage the ship, as detailed in Scene 9 below, at earliest opportunity during the battle.

After Round 4, barring exceptional circumstances, the Crew will not know where the Romulans went, but Sensors will not pick up any trace of a warp signature, suggesting the Warbird is still around.  This is in fact the case; Commander Molak is simply waiting for a more opportune time to continue the attack.


This is something of a fill-in scene, taking care of loose ends, bringing the Crew together again, and setting up the final confrontation.  Important points to address include the following:


Having received the signal from the reprogrammed saboteur, Commander Molak will move the Shaa’zir in to attack.  An ideal opening for him would be to attack while the Crew’s ship has shields down, perhaps while transporting medical or security personnel down to Dolak IV to deal with the situation there, or while they are bringing aboard reprogrammed individuals in need of medical attention.  By timing his attack in this manner, Molak will neutralize the advantage the Crew’s ship will have while the Warbird decloaks.  In any case, if the reprogrammed Crewmember is still active, play out an exciting scene, with jump-cuts between starship combat and the running fight between the unwilling saboteur and his Crewmates.

Molak will hail the Crew’s ship, offering the choice of surrender or total destruction.  It is very unlikely any Starfleet officer will surrender his command, but this will allow the Crew a chance to interact with their adversary.  Subcommander T’Mei will be seen on the view screen, behind the Commander.

The Romulans hope having the reprogrammed officer onboard disrupting systems will give them a decisive advantage.  If it turns out this is not the case, the Romulans will eventually break off and leave.   Commander Molak will not like leaving a battle unfinished, but Dr. Tolias will demand that his life and his experimental data not be placed at unnecessary risk.  "Better to let a few Federation survivors tell their tale than risk losing information the Tal Shiar will find so vital" will be his stance.  Given his Obligation to the Tal Shiar, Molak will reluctantly agree.  Remember that the Shaa’zir may have sustained damage in Scene 7, above, giving Commander Molak further reason for caution.

If things go catastrophically badly for the Crew, another Starfleet vessel can arrive to provide assistance, anything from a lesser vessel to the famous U.S.S. Enterprise.  Commander Molak will definitely retreat if the Crew’s ship receives reinforcements.  If the Narrator uses this option, some reason for the other vessel’s arrival will have to be concocted, but this should not be too difficult, given Starfleet’s wide-ranging interests; perhaps one of the Dolak IV prisoners was suspected to have information useful to some other mission.  This last-minute rescue option should be kept in reserve until the Crew has tried all available options, as it is much more satisfying for the Crew to bail themselves out than to have somebody else save their skins.  The Narrator may always choose to have the other ship arrive later, to help with repairs following the battle if necessary.


This act is another place to tie up loose ends.  Make sure the following points are covered:


Dr. Tolias, Commander Molak and Subcommander T’Mei may return to face the characters again.  Molak is a cunning opponent who could be encountered again and again.  Dr. Tolias, a Romulan psionic, Tal Shiar operative, and mad scientist, could become a recurring villain of the sort players love to hate.  In particular, the Crewmember who was subjected to his reprogramming will likely have a grudge against the bad Doctor.

Dan Connor, Kroog, Lana Grayson and some of the other prisoners may be offered pardons for their bravery in resisting the Romulans.  If this occurs, any or all could be encountered again, as either allies or  opponents.   Lana is especially likely to get involved in further criminal activities, and may be encountered during future adventures in exotic locales, such as Orion space or Risa.

If Connor is freed, the Romulans will have a minor but implacable new enemy.  Natalie will remain comatose, her mind destroyed by Dr. Tolias’ experiments.  Connor will seek assistance from others with grudges against the Romulans, trying to obtain a ship and other resources necessary for him to take revenge.  He may gather around him other freed survivors of the Romulan action on Dolak IV, either those who were subjected to experiments or others who lost friends and loved ones to the Romulan actions.  Connor will direct his rage against the Star Empire in general, and the Shaa’zir and Dr. Tolias specifically.

He may thus be encountered in the future, as either an ally or a problem, somebody in need of assistance or somebody who is disrupting efforts to deescalate tension between the Federation and the Romulans.  If the Narrator decides to use Dan Connor in this role as a guest star in a future Episode, add the following Disadvantages to his character sheet:  Dependent (Natalie), Intolerant (Romulans) and Species Enemy (Romulans).    Points for these Disadvantages may be balanced against increased Skills, to make Connor a more formidable ally or opponent. 

LANA GRAYSON, Professional Thief

Lana is a smooth-skinned human of African lineage, with short, kinky hair and a missing front upper tooth, age late 30s.  Currently she also has several minor injuries, and an ugly, painful infection in one eye.  She is also a thief by trade.  She has low-level connections with the Orion Syndicate, but does not know any truly important information and is not important enough for them to bother trying to break her out of prison.  She specializes in jewel theft, but her impulsive nature has caused many other thieves (who are by nature a cautious sort) to mistrust her.  She has been at Dolak IV quite some time and has settled into the mining routine, even becoming something of a mechanic to service the mining machinery.   She has no intention of becoming anybody’s experimental subject.  She has been valuable to Connor’s crew, both as a scout and also because she was able to show them how to disconnect security features on captured weapons.

Fitness  3
Coordination  3
Intellect  2
     Perception  +1
Presence  2
     Willpower  +1
Psi  0

Art Expression (Singing)  1(3)
Athletics (Climbing)  2(3)
Bargain (Bribery)  1(2)
Computer (Hacking)  1(2)
Culture (Human)  2(3)
     (Ferengi)  (3)
     (Orion)  (3)
Dodge  3
Energy Weapon (Phaser)  1(2)
Engineering, Material  1 (2)
     (Mechanical)  (3)
     (Personal Equipment)  (2)
Fast Talk  2
History (Human)  1(2)
Intimidation (Bluster)  1(2)
Language (Fed Standard)  2
     (Bajoran)  1
Merchant (Gems)  1(3)
Planetary Sci (Geology)  1(2)
     (Minerology)  1(2)
Planet Survival (Forest)  1(2)
     (Jungle)  (3)
Primative Weapon (Knife)  1(2)
Search  2
Security (Security Systems)  2(3)
Sleight of Hand (Pick Pocket)  1(2)
Stealth (Movement)  2(3)
Streetwise (Orion Syndicate)  1(2)
World Knowledge (Earth)  1(2)
     (Dolak IV)  (2)
     (Rigel System)  (2)
     (Rigel II)  (3)

Contact (Orion Syndicate) (+1)
Greedy (-1)
Impulsive (-1)
Resolute (+3)

Courage: 5
Renown: 6
     Aggression: 0  Discipline: -3  Initiative: 0  Openness: 0  Skill: 3
Resistance: 3
Wound Levels: 3/3/3/3/3/3/0

DANIEL CONNOR, Convict Resistance Leader

Connor is a tall redhead with a stocky, muscular build, unruly hair, several days beard growth and lively green eyes.  Currently his hands and one side of his face are covered with an ugly red rash.  For Connor’s back ground information, see Player Handout #1.

Fitness  4
     Strength  +1
Coordination  2
     Reaction  +2
Intellect  3
Presence  3
     Willpower  +1
Psi  0

Administration (Logistics)  2(3)
     (Merchant Marine)  (3)
Athletics (Running)  2(3)
Bargain (Haggling)  2(3)
Charm (Seduction)  1(3)
Command (Combat Leadership)  1(2)
Computer (Data Alteration/Hacking)  1(2)
     (Programming)   (2)
Culture (Human)  2(3)
Dodge  2
Energy Weapon (Phaser)  1(2)
History (Federation)  1(2)
     (Human) 1(2)
     (Merchant Marine)  (2)
Language (Federation Standard)  3
     (Ferengi)  1
     (Orion)  1
Law (Starfleet Regs)  1(2)
     (Merchant Marine Regulations)  (2)
Personal Equip. (Communicator)  2(3)
Planetary Sciences (Geology)  1(2)
Planetary Survival (Jungle)  1(2)
Physical Science (Chemistry)  1(2)
Ship Systems (Communications)  2(3)
System Engineer (Communications)  1(2)
Unarmed Combat (Starfleet Martial Arts)1(3)
Vehicle Op (Shuttle)  2(3)
World Knowledge (Earth)  1(2)
     (Ferengi Space)  (2)
     (Dolak IV)  (2)

Alertness (+2)
Greedy (-1)
Quick Draw (+2)

Courage: 5
Renown: 25
     Aggression: 5  Discipline: -10  Initiative: 5  Openness: 0  Skill: 5
Resistance: 4
Wound Levels: 4/4/4/4/4/4/0

KROOG the Hunter, Smuggler and Poacher

Kroog the Orion has a burly build, with huge, tattooed arms.  His skin is green, and he has a long, braided black mustache and black hair.  He wears a shirt with the arms torn off.  His voice is gruff. Kroog was imprisoned for poaching and smuggling endangered species

Fitness  5
     Vitality  +1
Coordination  3
Intellect  3
     Perception  +1
Presence  2
Psi  0

Athletics (Swimming)  2(3)
Bargain (Bribery)  1(3)
Culture (Orion)  2(3)
Dodge  2
Energy Weapon (Disruptor)   2(3)
Fast Talk  1
First Aid (Wound/Combat)  1(2)
Language (Orion)  2
     (Federation Standard)  1
Merchant (Animals)  1(3)
Planet Survival (Jungle)  2(3)
     (Desert)  (3)
Primitive Weapon (Knife)  2(3)
     (Net)  (3)
Search  2
Space Sciences (Astrogation)  1(3)
Stealth (Hide)  2(3)
Streetwise (Orion Syndicate)  1(3)
Unarmed Combat (Wrestling)  2(3)
Vehicle Operation (Shuttlecraft)  1(3)
World Know (Orion Syndicate)  1(2)
     (Dolak IV)  (2)

Alertness (+2)
Argumentative (-1)
Code of Honor (never be an informant) (-2)
High Pain Threshold (+2)
Sense of Direction (+1)

Courage: 3
Renown: 10
     Aggression: 0  Discipline: 0  Initiative: 0  Openness: -5  Skill: 5
Resistance: 6
Wound Levels: 6/6/6/6/6/6/0

TOMAR TULIK, Former Ferengi Spy

Tulik is short, thin Centauran with wispy blond hair and a soft voice.  During combat, he is the consummate coward, cringing and squealing if a shot nears him.  He was once a minor functionary in the Federation Economics Council, convicted of economic espionage for passing economic information to the Ferengi in exchange for banned Orion neuro-holo programs.  He can be played for somewhat comic effect.  He will be recognized (from news reports) to anybody making a Routine (5) Culture (Centauran or Federation) Skill Test.

Fitness  2
Coordination  2
Intellect  3
Presence  2
Psi  0

Administration (Bureaucrat)  2(3)
     (Federation)  (3)
Computers (Hacking)  2(3)
     (Programming)  (3)
Culture (Centauran)  2(3)
     (Ferengi)  (3)
Engineer, Material (Mechanical)  1(2)
Espionage (Covert Communications)  2(3)
     (Forgery)  (3)
Gaming (Poker)  1(2)
History (Centauran)  1(2)
Language (Centauran Prime)  2
     (Federation Standard)  2
Law (Commercial)  1(3)
Social Science (Economics)  1(2)
World Knowledge (Alpha Centauri) 1(2)
     (Earth)  (2)

Phobia (Minor, spiders) (-3)
Phobia (Minor, snakes) (-3)
Phobia (Severe, sight of own blood) (-5)

Courage: x
Renown: x
     Aggression: x  Discipline: x  Initiative: x  Openness: x  Skill: x
Resistance: 2
Wound Levels: 2/2/2/2/2/2/0


These are generic extras.   These stats will suffice for Joe, Wilson, Toad and any other prisoners that might need stats during the course of the adventure. The Narrator can feel free to diversify things by giving them generic names or a couple extra skills, making some Andorians or Bolians, or even something exotic like a Bajoran or Orion, and they can be of either gender, but essentially they are there to fill the scenes.  The Dolak IV Penal Colony, being a mining colony, is a tough place, so these guys are a bit tougher than usual.  There are about 20 total.  All are suffering from at very least scratches, rashes, and unpleasant fungal/parasitical infestations, and at Narrator option, some may be more severely injured.

Fitness  3
Coordination  2
Intellect  2
Presence  2
Psi  0

SKILLS (Relevant to the Adventure)
Athletics (Run or Climb)  2(3)
Energy Weapon (Phaser/Disruptor)  1(2)
Language (Fed Standard)  1 or 2
     (Other/Native)  0 or 1
Primitive Weapon (Club or Knife)  1(2)
Unarmed Combat (Any)  1(2)

Resistance: 3
Wound Levels: 3/3/3/3/3/3/0

RAY CRIER, Mind-Controlled Chief Guard

Crier is a tall, heavy-set human with considerable girth and upper body strength.  His hair is short and black, and he has small, pig-like eyes.  Chief Crier is normally a better, more balanced man; his lowered Reaction, Willpower and Intellect, as well as his Disadvantages, reflect his suffering at the hands of the experimental Romulan nano-neural programming.  He has a somewhat dazed expression.

Fitness  4
     Vitality  +1
Coordination  2
     Reaction  -1
Intellect  1
Presence   2
     Willpower  -1
Psi  0

Athletics (Lifting)  2(3)
Culture (Human)  2(3)
Energy Weapon (Phaser)  2(3)
     (Phaser Rifle)  (3)
     (Stun Rod)  (4)
History (Human)  1(2)
     (Federation)  (2)
Language (Federation Standard)  2
Law (Federation Law)  1(2)
Personal Equipment (Tricorder)  1(2)
Search  2
Security (Security Systems)  2(3)
Social Science (Sociology)  1(2)
Systems Eng (Security)  1(2)
Unarmed Combat (Starfleet Martial Arts) 2(3)
Vehicle Op (Shuttle)  1(2)
World Know (Earth)  1(2)
    (Dolak IV)  (2)

Bloodlust (-2)
Impulsive (-1)

Resistance: 5
Wound Levels: 5/5/5/5/5/5/0

GENERIC SECURITY GUARDS, Post Nano-Reprogramming

These are generic human correctional guards.  Reduce Fitness and Vitality by –1 to reflect reprogrammed non-combatant NPCs such as Elrod Tain, Emma Mulholland, or Connor’s lover, Natalie Wu.  Under the effects of the Romulan nano-neuroprogramming, they are unusually slow, aggressive and weak-minded.   When sent into the jungle to try to find escaped prisoners, the guards will wear heavy security armor with full-face helms.  The armor adds +3 Resistance vs. physical attacks and +2 vs. Energy; the helmets incorporate Night Glasses technology (Price of Freedom, pp. 104-105), as well as combadge functions.

Fitness  3
     Vitality  +1
Coordination  2
     Reaction  -1
Intellect  1
Presence  2
     Willpower  -1
Psi  0

SKILLS (Relevant to this adventure)
Energy Weapon (Phaser2(3)
     (Stunrod)  (3)
Personal Equipment (Tricorder)  1(2)
Search  1
Security (Law Enforcement)  1(2)
Systems Engineering (Security) 1(2)
Unarmed Combat (Starfleet Martial Arts)  2(3)

Resistance: 4
Wound Levels: 4/4/4/4/4/4/0

DR. TOLIAS, Tal Shiar Mad Scientist

Dr. Tolias is tall, cadaverously thin, and as unkempt-looking as one can imagine for a Romulan.  His hair is gray-white and somewhat frizzy, not cut in the neat, helmet-like manner favored by Romulans; imagine Christopher Lloyd portraying a Romulan and you have the image.  His speech is precise when he directs it at somebody, but he also exhibits a tendency to mutter to himself, at which time he may ramble.  He tends to focus on only one thing at a time, but can focus on that goal or subject with great intensity.  Tolias’ drive is to understand and be able to control others.  He is ruthless and not at all a nice person.  He is constantly shadowed by two fully-cloaked Guard Drones (Price of Freedom, p. 103) and has several cloaked Remote Drones (Price of Freedom, p. 106), which he uses both to patrol the penal colony grounds and to accompany the controlled guards, who he monitors via some of the devices on his belt.  Tolias is careful to leave combat to underlings.  He is designed as a potential recurring villain.

Fitness  3
     Strength  +1
Coordination  3
Intellect  4
     Perception  +1
Presence  3
     Empathy  -1
Psi  4

Artistic Expression (Painting)  1(3)
Behavior Modification (Brainwashing)  3(4)
Espionage (Cryptography)  2(3)
Persuasion (Debate)  1(2)
Computer (Research)  2(3)
Culture (Romulan)  2(3)
     (Human)  (3)
     (Vulcan)  (3)
Disguise (Vulcan)  1(2)
Energy Weapon (Disruptor)  1(2)
Gaming (3-D Chess)  1(5)
History (Romulan)  2(3)
Intimidation (Interrogation)  1(3)
Language (Romulan)  3
     (Federation Standard)  2
     (Cardassian)  1
     (Vulcan)  2
Life Sciences (Bioengineering)  4(5)
     (Biotechnology)  (5)
Mind Control  5
Mind Shield  3
Medical Sciences (Neurology)  3(4)
     (Psionics)  (4)
    (Psychology)  (5)
     (Neurosurgery)  (4)
Physical Sciences (Mathematics)  1(3)
Projective Telepathy  2
Receptive Telepathy  3
Social Sciences (Sociology)  2(3)
     (Political Science)  (3)
Stealth (Movement)  1(2)
Systems Engineering (Robotics)  1(3)
     (Nanotechnology)  (3)
World Knowledge (Romulus)  1(2)

Ally (Tal Shiar Director) (+5)
Arrogant (-1)
Eidetic Memory (+3)
Multitasking (+2)
Obsessive Tendencies (-3)

Glory: 5
Renown: 30
     Aggression: 0  Discipline: 5  Initiative: 5  Openness: -5  Skill: 15
Resistance: 3
Wound Levels: 3/3/3/3/3/3/0

COMMANDER MOLAK, Romulan Captain

Commander Molak is of smaller build and stature than the typical Romulan, but is well-muscled and presents an image of strength despite his size.  His eyes are piercing and active, but he always seems calm.  He is fanatically dedicated to serving the Star Empire and expanding its holdings.  At the same time he has an unusual interest in his peoples’ cousins, the Vulcans, and has studied them at length.  He has long served on Neutral Zone patrols, and knows the Zone better than he does the Romulan core worlds at this point, though he maintains contacts among the Romulan Senate and is skilled at negotiating those corridors of power.  Molak is built to be a potential recurring foe for the Crew.  His role in an Episode can be military, or something more exotic due to pressure from the Tal Shiar, whom he owes favors.

Fitness  3
     Strength  +1
Coordination  3
Intellect  4
     Perception  +2
Presence  4
     Empathy  -2
     Willpower  +1
Psi  0

Administration (Romulan Senate)  2(3)
     (Starship)  (4)
Artistic Expression (Vulcan Lute)  1(3)
Command (Starship)  4(5)
Computer (Simulation/Modeling)  2(3)
Culture (Romulan)  2(4)
     (Vulcan)  (3)
Dodge  3
Energy Weapon (Disruptor)  3(4)
History (Romulan)  1(3)
     (Vulcan)  (2)
Intimidation (Awe)  2(3)
Language (Romulan)  3
     (Fed Standard)  2
     (Vulcan)  2
Law (Rom/Fed Treaty) 1(3)
     (Romulan)  (2)
Ship Systems (Command)  2(4)
     (Flight Control)  (4)
     (Tactical)  (3)
Space Sciences (Astrogation)  2(3)
Starship Tactics (Romulan)  3(4)
Strategic Operations (Neutral Zone)  3(4)
Systems Engineer (Flight)  2(3)
     (Weapons)  (3)
Unarmed Combat (Romulan Navy Martial Arts)  2(3)
World Knowledge (Romulan) 2(3)
     (Neutral Zone) (4)

Fanatic (-3)
Intolerant (Ferengi) (-2)
Obligation (Tal Shiar) (-2)
Multitasking (+2)
Strong Will (+2)
Tactical Genius (+3)

Glory: 4
Renown: 50
     Aggression: 10  Discipline: 15  Initiative: 5  Openness: -10  Skill: 10
Resistance: 3
Wound Levels: 3/3/3/3/3/3/0


Subcommander T’Mei is tall, and a very attractive woman by most humanoid standards, despite the typically severe Romulan haircut and unflattering uniform.  Her family has a long history of service in the Romulan Navy, and she is very dedicated to serving the Empire.  However, her deepest devotion is to her commander, Molak.  Her love is unrequited, and unspoken save in her poetry, but she would do anything for him.  For his part, he pretends to be unaware of her feelings, regarding a relationship as inappropriate given their relative rank/position and viewing her as too valuable an assistant to lose to transfer.  In this adventure, she will probably be encountered planet-side, as she observes Dr. Tolias’ project; during the course of this, her dislike for the Tal Shiar may become apparent. 

Fitness  3
     Strength  +1
Coordination  3
     Reaction  +1
Intellect  3
Presence  3
Psi  0

Administration (Logistics)  2(3)
Artistic Express (Poetry)  1(3)
Command (Combat Leader)  3(4)
Computer (Research)  2(3)
Culture (Romulan)  2(3)
Dodge  2
Energy Weapon (Disruptor)  3(4)
History (Romulan)  1(3)
     (Vulcan)  (2)
Language (Romulan)  2
Life Sciences (Biology)  2(3)
Phys Sciences (Chemistry)  2(3)
Personal Equip (Tricorder)  2(3)
Shipboard Systems (Sensors)  2(4)
     (Tactical)  (4)
Strategic Operations (Neutral Zone)  2(3)
World Knowledge (Remus)  1(2)

Excellent Hearing (+2)
Fanatic (Commander Molak) (-3)
Intolerant (Tal Shiar) (-1)

Glory: 2
Renown: 50
     Aggression: 10  Discipline: 15  Initiative: 5  Openness: -10  Skill: 10
Resistance: 3
Wound Levels: 3/3/3/3/3/3/0


These are Romulan “extras”, to be used as necessary, either on Dolak IV or aboard the Shaa/zir.          

Fitness  2
     Strength  +1
Coordination  2
Intellect  2
Presence  2
Psi  0

SKILLS (relevant to the adventure)
Energy Weapon (Disruptor)  2(3)
     (Disruptor Rifle)  2(3)
Personal Equipment (Miscellaneous)  1(2)
Shipboard Systems (Miscellaneous)  2(3)
Unarmed Combat (Romulan Navy Martial Arts)  1(2)

Resistance: 2
Wound Levels: 2/2/2/2/2/2/0


SYSTEM DATA:  Dolak IV orbits a yellow V-type (main sequence) star.  It has one satellite and is the 
only class-M planet of the 7 planets orbiting Dolak.  The Dolak System lies along the very edge of
the Federation border with the Romulan Neutral Zone.
GRAVITY:  1.1 G.  Dolak IV is slightly larger than Earth.
YEAR/DAY:  380/32
ATMOSPHERE: Nitrogen/Oxygen
CLIMATE:  Subtropical
SAPIENT SPECIES:  None native; several Federation species and a few individuals from non-Federation
worlds (Orion League, mostly) are represented at the Dolak IV Penal Colony.
TECH CLASSIFICATION: Level 6 (Federation Standard), limited access and resources
GOVERNMENT:  Administered by UFP Bureau of Colonization’s Penal Division.  The current
Warden is Adrian Mulholland.
CULTURE:  One continent houses the Penal Colony, which houses 430 prisoners and a staff of 36
(Administrator and his wife, doctor, nurse, counselor, four technicians, two mining supervisors,      
and 25 guards).  The Penal Colony is a work site, with active mining.  Prisoners convicted of
political or military/security crimes (treason, terrorism) are not incarcerated here, due to proximity
to the Neutral Zone.  Prisoners affiliated with the Orions are often placed here, however, because
the location is far enough outside the Orion sphere to make rescue attempts unlikely. Convicts of
all genders are incarcerated here, but genders are segregated.
AFFILIATION:  United Federation of Planets
RESOURCES:  Dolak IV has moderate deposits of rare crystalline minerals, in amounts too small to really
attract commercial interests, but enough to keep the prisoners busy with meaningful work.
Federation biological survey teams also occasionally come to study the diverse natural life forms,
seeking possible medicinal substances among the various toxic plants and animals.
PLACES OF NOTE:  Dolak IV Penal Colony.  Another continent on the other side of the planet houses
ancient mines apparently dug by an unknown space-faring race.  Federation archaeological teams
have thoroughly catalogued the site and found little of note, including an astounding dearth of
SHIP FACILITIES:  Shuttle/Cargo Ship Landing Pad
OTHER DETAILS:  The local flora and fauna make Dolak IV extremely inhospitable to most species.

Federation biological teams note a complex ecology based including a variety of smaller predators, carnivorous plants, parasitical fungi, and unpleasant defensive strategies, primarily spines, thorns, venom and toxic secretions.  One surveyor noted, with only minimal exaggeration, “just about every native life form is covered with spikes, or has a nasty bite, or both; those which do not have these features are so toxic that they kill just about anything that touches them.” 

Anybody spending much time outside the Penal Colony complex will likely soon find herself covered with rashes, blisters and painful infestations, and some creatures produce extremely virulent venom; the Dolaki mud viper is among the most venomous creatures native to Federation space.   Because of the local ecology, those designing the Penal Colony saw no need for walls or complicated sensor arrays to prevent prisoners from escaping.  Their reasoning was that any who left the compound would face such an inhospitable situation that they would probably not get far, or would quickly recognize the error of their ways and return.

Naturally, the native life forms offer very little Federation races could (or would want to) consume as food.  Attempts to introduce crops have uniformly failed; food is provided by replication, augmented by supplies delivered via Federation Merchant Marine twice a year. 




Captain Potrikos is at Starbase 39-Sierra, attending briefings on the Federation’s ongoing diplomatic mission to Psellus III.  She is expected back in two days, until which time I am temporarily in command of the Discovery as we continue patrol along the Romulan Neutral Zone.  So far the Captain’s absence has been relatively uneventful.


The name Dolak IV rings some bells with you…and a few moments of thought reminds you of somebody you have not heard about in a long time, or seen in an even longer time.

Daniel Connor was a classmate of yours at Starfleet Academy.  He was expelled during his second year due to chronic problems with fighting and insubordination, and rumors also indicated some suspicion of cheating on exams, though you are not sure if this was true.  Despite his roguish nature, you and Connor got along well enough, and you tried to stay aware of what he was up to.  From the Academy, he ended up entering the Starfleet Merchant Marine and became a quartermaster.  He seemed to be doing okay for a while, but then was convicted of smuggling Jillkan Sound Jewels (illegal and highly addictive crystals that have hallucinogenic properties when ingested).  Last you heard, Connor was sentenced to 20 years, and chose incarceration at the Dorak IV Penal Colony so he could reduce his sentence by working as a miner.  You have heard nothing of him since.  That was two years ago.


You recall being interrogated by the Romulan, Dr. Tolias, by means of psionic abilities, drugs and hypnosis.  You are unsure at this point what, if anything, you told him, but you recall being asked about sensitive information, including the ship’s missions, personnel and weapons systems.

Then, you recall intense pain in your temples, as sharp instruments dug in.  Touching your head, you find no wounds, and you vaguely recall being healed with a dermal regenerator.  Next you have fuzzy memories of Dr. Tolias talking to you in low, steady tones…and you replying in kind, repeating what he told you.  You are unable to remember what he or you said…in your memory, you can’t make out the words…it all sounds like a dream.  You remember nothing else until just moments ago.  You have a horrible headache.


You recall being interrogated by the Romulan, Dr. Tolias, by means of psionic abilities, drugs and hypnosis.  You are unsure at this point what, if anything, you told him, but you recall being asked about sensitive information, including the ship’s missions, personnel and weapons systems. 

After that, all you recall is excruciating pain, including sharp objects digging into your head.  You must have passed out at some point, because you remember nothing else until a few moments ago.  You feel awful after this torture, and you have a splitting headache.


As soon as you are back onboard the ship, you realize you have special duties to perform.  They are very important, and you are to be very careful, and not tell anybody about them.  First, you are to quickly find a place to be by yourself.  Make an excuse, such as using the bathroom or going back to your quarters to clean up.  While alone, you are to press a spot on your forearm where you realize a transponder has been injected.  Next, you are to do whatever you can to disrupt things on the ship.  In order of priority, you are to attempt to disable weapons and/or shields, damage the warp or impulse drives in engineering, and attack and incapacitate senior crewmembers, including the commanding officer if possible.  You are to be as subtle about this as possible until the ship is attacked, at which time you are to do your best to create as much chaos as possible.  From this point, inform me of your actions by passing notes; I will respond by note as well.


You are suddenly aware that you have somehow been mind-controlled into trying to sabotage the ship.  You feel a duty to warn somebody what has happened, so they can stop you, but you find yourself unable to speak.  What do you do?

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