Denebian Slime Devil
By Patrick Murphy

Denebian Slime Devil
Type: Chasing Hunter
Size: Up to 1 meter long and 10 kilograms
Form: The Denebian slime devil is a wedge-shaped, four-legged amphibian, with large, grasshopper-like back legs and smaller front claws bearing long spear-like claws. Eyeless, its head bears a grinning maw and a bony ridge surmounted by snorkels. These allow respiration when the creature is submerged at shallow depths. A floatation bladder on its back gives it a distinctive hump.
Attributes: Fitness 2 (Strength ­1), Coordination 4, Presence 1, Instinct 3 (Ferocity +1)
Base Movement: 10/25, Swim 15/30
Resistance: 1
Special Abilities/Unusual Skills: Radar sense which allows the slime devil to locate its prey (grants +2 dice on all attempts to detect prey).
Weapons: Teeth 2/Claws 3
Difficulty: (Teeth) Moderate (6)/(Claws) Routine (5)
Damage: (Teeth) 1 + 1d6/(Claws) 4 + 2d6
Description and Additional Notes: The swift amphibious predator of Deneb IV derives its name as much from its temperament as from its demonic appearance. While preying primarily on the fish that inhabit the swamps that it calls home, the slime devil is known to attack creatures several times its own size, due to its voracious appetite, fierce temperament and relentless pursuit of its prey.

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