New Disadvantage: Reprimand
By Jaime T. Matthew

Reprimand (-1 to -4)
Commendations award characters for good things they have done in their Starfleet careers, giving them positive renown based upon the situation. What about those moments in their career as an officer that your character isn't particularly proud of. Sure these could fall under "Dark Secrets," but the simple fact is that these black marks remain on your record permanently and are easily accessible (unless classified for some reason). They haunt you from post to post, but aren't really secret.

Reprimands are for violations of Starfleet regulations which a Captain cannot overlook despite their own feelings on the matter. They range in severity from minor reprimand (a written warning) to a full-blown Court Martial. They come with a mandatory negative renown based upon the factors of the incident.

-1 Minor: Violating a directive or regulation with a minor detrimental result (-2 Renown)

-2 Major: Violating a directive or regulation with a major detrimental result (-4 Renown)

-3 Severe: Violating a General Order or a directive or regulation with a severely detrimental result. This level often involves time spent in the brig or Court Martial precedings (but no Court Martial). This level of Reprimand is almost always accompanied by a reduction in rank. (-6 Renown)

-4 Court Martial: This character screwed up big time and got caught. This level of Reprimand hangs over you and nobody ever lets you forget it either. If by some miracle, you are back in a Starfleet uniform, it is probably due to some powerful influence or exceptional circumstances. (-8 to -10 renown.)

The Reprimand disadvantage is intended for starting characters only, and only the highest level of the disadvantage is worth any points.  (If you were Court Martialed, nobody cares about your other, minor infractions.)

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