War Tour of Duty Package
By CaptainChris5369@aol.com

WAR! This Tour of Duty is available only during a declared war. The Narrator must announce that the characters are at war. It is available to all characters as a Tour of Duty package (first tour) at a cost of 10 points -- the character's allotment of points for that phase.

(NOTE: Choose only 4 skills) (2 skills of Additional Tours)

Starship Tactics (Your species or government) 1 (2)
    (Enemy species or government) (2)
Shipboard Systems (Sensor) 1 (2)
    (Environmental Control, Flight Control, Sensors, or Tactical) (2)
Planetary Tactics (choose specialization) 1 (2)
Command (choose specialization) 0 (2)
Security: Security Systems (1)
Heavy Weapons (choose specialization) 0 (1)
First Aid (Wound/Combat Trauma) 0 (1)

Advantage: (Promotion (+1) or Commendation (+1)), Alertness (+2), Battle-hardened (+3)

Disadvantage: (Vengeful (-1) or Chronic Pain (-2) [random])

Creator's note: I created this when I realized that only moderate amounts of combat were featured in LUG Trek. The ability to choose various skills reflects the random possibilities you find in war (except you decide what happened).

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