Name: Chin Wei
Rank: Ensign
Position: Biosciences officer
Assignment: Dyson Base, Runabout U.S.S. St. Lawrence, NCC-72480

Species: Human

None Supplied

Athletics (Gymnastics) 2 (3)
Biology (Biotechnology) 2 (3)
    (Biology) (4)
Computer (Research) 2 (3)
Culture (Human) 2 (3)
    (Communism) (3)
Diplomacy (Federation Frontier) 1 (2)
Dodge 1
Energy Weapon (Phaser) 1 (2)
History (Human) 2 (3)
    (Federation) (3)
    (Communism) (3)
Language, Mandarin 2
    Federation Standard 1
Law (Starfleet Regulations) 1 (2)
Personal Equipment (Tricorder) 2 (3)
Physical Sciences (Chemistry) 1 (3)
Planetside Survival (Mountain) 1 (2)
Shipboard Systems (Sensors) 2 (3)
    (Transporters) 2 (3)
Social Sciences (Political Science) 1 (2)
    (Sociology) (2)
Systems Engineering (Transporter/Replication Systems) 1 (2)
Vehicle Operations (Shuttlecraft) 1 (2)
    (Atmospheric Craft) (2)
World Knowledge (New Beijing) 1 (2)

Double-Jointed +2, Fanatic -2, Pacifist -2

Resistance: 2
Courage: 5
Renown: 1
    Discipline: 1

Early Life: Ideological Upbringing
Academy Life: First Contact Training
Cadet Cruise: First Contact Mission
Tours of Duty: Dyson Base (first tour)

Chin Wei was born and raised on New Beijing, a planet founded by the remnants of the Chinese Communist party in the initial wave of expansion after the Warp Drive. Having abandoned the more repressive elements of Maoist philosophy, New Beijing regards the Federation with its near-utopian society as a step towards their socialist dream, and has recently joined.

As a child, Wei studied traditional Chinese gymnastics, and as a result can twist and contort her body into amazing poses.

She enrolled in Starfleet and studied Biosciences with a heavy minor in Social Sciences. She remains a staunch Communist, but has learned to restrain her impulses to educate the less socially advanced, as evidenced by her high Willpower Edge.

Personality & Appearance
Ensign Chin is of average height and build with flat Asian features, jet black hair and translucent amber skin. She prefers a simple vegetarian diet and exercises regularly in the hologym. Dyson Base is her first tour of duty.

Author's Notes
Chin Wei is designed for a more intellectual or philosophically-oriented campaign than most. She is intended to contrast with more traditional Western-style SF characters without resorting to an anime-patterned character.

Editor's Notes
While refreshing as she is not the standard Western character, one should consider playing Chin Wei as something more than a stereotype. It is unclear to what extent her politics would contrast with other Federation characters. Perhaps she would be more effective in a merchant campaign or one set among non-Federation cultures.

Submitted by Owen E. Oulton

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