Name: Starfleet Emergency Medical Hologram
Rank: N/A
Position: Starfleet Emergency Medical Hologram

Species: N/A (hologram)

Fitness 1
Coordination 2
    Dexterity +2
Intellect 3
    Perception +1
    Logic +1

Presence 2
    Empathy -2
Psi 0

Administration (Logistics) 1 (3)
Computer (Research) 3 (4)
Culture (Federation) 1 (2)
First Aid (All Specializations) 5 (6)
History (Federation) 1 (2)
    Federation Standard 4
Law (Starfleet Regulations) 1 (2)
Personal Equipment (Medical Tricorder) 2 (5)
Search 2
Science, Life (All Specializations) 5 (6)
Science, Medical (All Specializations) 5 (6)
Science, Physical (Chemistry) 1 (3)
Shipboard Systems (Medical Systems) 1 (5)

Arrogant -1, Code of Honor (Hippocratic Oath) -2, Eidetic Memory +3, Fanatic (about saving & preserving sentient life) -3, Mathematical Ability +3, Multitasking +2, Physically Impaired (restricted to areas with holoemitters) -3, Sense of Time +1, Telepathic Resistance +4

Courage: 2
Resistance: N/A
Renown: 0

Programmed at Jupiter Station by Dr. Lewis Zimmerman prior to 2371. Program integrated into most larger starships and starbases in Starfleet. Since the program is integrated into the systems, it cannot be downloaded (at the present time with the present technology). Since it was designed as a supplement to medical personnel the EMH has an estimated duration of 1500 hours of use before the program would have to be reinitialized.

Personalty & Appearance
Age: appears to be mid-40's (Earth years)
Starfleet's standard "EMH AK-1 diagnostic and surgical subroutine Omega 323" is a hologram that normally appears in the form of a Human male, between 178 cm and 183 cm in height. He has dark eyes and dark hair, but is balding. He must be activated and deactivated by the crew, and normally is used only in times of emergency as a supplement to a starship's or starbase's medical personnel. Its extensive computer database is equipped with information from 2000 medical references and the experience of 47 physicians. When activated it announces, "Please state the nature of the medical emergency." It also establishes communications links with all key areas of the ship or base.

The EMH program is adaptive, meaning it can learn, process, and apply new information on its own (these would be "Skills"). Any other changes to the program (i.e. "Attributes" or "Advantages/Disadvantages") would require a change in the coding of the data. Depending on the extent of the modification, this would require a Moderate or more difficult "Computer (Holoprogramming)" or "Systems Engineering (Holographic Systems)" roll, as well as significant time spent. With something as minor as changing the magnetic field density of the hologram (allowing him to go from a 'solid' to being just a video image taking up 3D space) requires an Easy "Computer" roll.

Author's Note: This is a "best guess" at what an EMH would perform like. Background information was gleaned in part from The Star Trek Encyclopedia: A Reference Guide to the Future (Updated and Expanded Edition).

Submitted by Dan Tubbe

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