Lt. Aleksandr FederovName: Aleksandr Sergeevich Federov
Rank: Lieutenant
Position: Operations Manager
Assignment: U.S.S. Avenger, NCC-1860-B

Species: Human

Fitness 2
    Strength +1
Coordination 2
    Reaction -1

Intellect 2
    Perception +1
Presence 2
    Willpower +1
Psi 0

Administration (Starfleet) 1 (2)
Athletics (running) 2 (3)
Command (starship command) 2 (2)
Computer (computer simulation) 2 (3)
    (programming) (3)

Culture (Human) 2 (3)
    (feudal cultures) (3)

Dodge 1
Energy Weapon (phaser) 1 (2)
History (Federation) 2 (3)

    (Human) (3)
    (Medieval history) (3)
Language, Federation Standard 3
    Russian 2
Law (Starfleet regulations) 2 (3)
Personal Equipment (universal translator) 1 (2)
Physical Sciences (computer science) 1 (2)
    (physics) (2)
Planetside Survival (arctic) 1 (2)
Shipboard Systems (mission ops) 2 (3)
    (sensors) (3)
    (transporter) (2)
Social Sciences (linguistics) 1 (2)
Space Sciences (astronomy) 2 (2)
    (stellar cartography) (2)
Systems Engineering (computer systems) 1 (2)
    (sensor systems) (2)
Unarmed Combat (Starfleet martial arts) 1 (2)
Vehicle Operation (shuttlecraft) 2 (3)
World Knowledge (Earth) 1 (2)

Code of Honor (Starfleet) (-4), Commendation (Silver Star for Bravery, earned during a mutiny aboard U.S.S. Avenger) (+1), Department Head (Operations Manager, Joshua Paul-class vessel) (+2), Dependent (-2), Language Ability (+2), Pacifism (cannot kill) (-1), Promotion (Lieutenant) (+2), Zero-G Intolerance (-2)

Courage: 3
Resistance: 2

Renown: 5
    Discipline: 3

    Initiative: 1
    Skill: 1

Born and raised in Novgorod, Russia, Aleksandr’s parents were devout Russian Orthodox and guided him towards becoming an Orthodox priest. His father Sergei was a priest himself, and his mother Olga was a doctor. Aleksandr spent his early years studying religion and was immersed in his country’s history; he took particularly to medieval history and tales of Rus during the Mongol invasion. His childhood was also spent studying the stars, and though Aleksandr was a faithful and devout student of religion, his quest for answers led him to apply to Starfleet Academy. He would search for answers and truths and find them through exploring the galaxy. Aleksandr’s sister Anna shared her brother’s curiosity and entered Moscow State University, eventually earning her Ph.D. in Exobiology.

Failing his first entrance exam, Aleksandr passed on his second attempt, and centered his studies on exploration training. Always adept with and fascinated by languages, he spent some time studying linguistics and became familiar with the Universal Translator. He ran track at the Academy, and spent a good deal of time studying computers and sensors, with which he loved to tinker, and by means of which Aleksandr‘s curiosity on some score could be satiated. A reprimand did appear on his record for an incident in which Federov programmed the facilities in an opposing track team’s locker room to disengage temperature controls on the showers.

Upon graduation, Aleksandr did his cadet cruise on board the U.S.S. Okinawa, where he sharpened his sensors skills. Immediately afterwards, Federov was assigned to a two-year tour of duty at Starfleet Command headquarters at San Francisco. Unhappy with being assigned to his home planet, Aleksandr sought posting on a starship, which was granted when he joined the crew of the U.S.S. Ulysses, where he served in the Stellar Cartography department.

Aleksandr was promoted to Lieutenant, j.g. during this tour and served four years on the Ulysses. Tragically, during this time his sister Anna died of a then unknown alien disease on Tredill IV where she was studying the indigenous life. Survived by her husband José and her two-year old son Mikhail, Aleksandr has since felt personally responsible for looking after his nephew.

His next tour was a two-year stint on board U.S.S. Tian An Men, again in Stellar Cartography, but this time he was in charge of both the department and coordinated the vessel’s mission of plotting the Relontis system. For his exemplary work, Aleksandr was promoted to Lieutenant.

Surprised to find himself in such an important position, Aleksandr is now the newly-appointred Operations Manager for the U.S.S. Avenger. He underwent a baptism of fire, since just after coming on board a mutiny occured in support of the unstable Captain Vellacora. Like most of the bridge crew who helped the First Officer secure the ship, Aleksandr was awarded the Silver Star for Bravery.

Personalty & Appearance
Aleksandr is jovial though at times quiet, introverted and thoughtful. His hobbies include running, Medieval studies, collecting maps of all kinds, and language study. He likes to have his questions answered and will doggedly pursue something until his curiosity is satisfied. His friends call him "Sasha."

Aleksandr is 2 meters tall and weighs 82.6 kilograms. He wears his blond hair in a short regulation style and his gray eyes are warm and friendly. He is of medium, though muscular, build and is clean-shaven. His face is not atypical for a Slav: rounded with an angular nose.

Author's Notes
Federov is pretty easily transplanted to other ships. By far the best thing about him is the awesome picture, created by Jaime T. Matthew.

Submitted by Patrick Murphy

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