Name: Gavak
Rank: Lieutenant, junior grade
Position: Security officer
Assignment: Dyson Base

Species: Tellarite

Fitness 3
Coordination 2
    Reaction +2
Intellect 2
Presence 2
    Empathy -1
Psi 0

Administration (Logistics) 1 (2)
Athletics (Parrises Squares) 1 (3)
Computers (Data Alteration/Hacking) 1 (2)
Culture (Tellarite) 2 (3)
Dodge 1
Energy Weapon (Phaser) 2 (3)
History (Tellarite) 2 (3)
    (Federation) (3)
Language, Tellarite 2
    Federation Standard 1
Personal Equipment (Tricorder) 1 (2)
    (Environmental Suit) (2)
Persuasion (Debate) 2 (4)
Planetary Survival (Forest) 1 (2)
Security (Security Systems) 2 (4)
Shipboard Systems (Tactical) 2 (3)
Systems Engineering (Communications Systems) 2 (3)
    (Computer Systems) (3)
    (Environmental Systems) (3)
    (Weapons Systems) (3)
Unarmed Combat (Starfleet Martial Arts) 2 (3)
Vehicle Operation (Shuttlecraft) 1 (3)
    (Work Bee) (2)
World Knowledge (Tellar) 1 (2)

Infrared Vision +2, Contact (Constable Odo, Starbase Deep Space Nine) +1, Commendation (Prantares Ribbon of Commendation) +1, Promotion (Lieutenant, j.g.), Zero-G Training +2, Argumentative -1, Poor Sight -2

Resistance: 3
Courage: 3
Renown: 7
    Aggression 1
    Discipline 6

Early Life: Normal Upbringing
Academy Life: EVA Training
Cadet Cruise: Diplomatic Mission
Tours of Duty: Starbase Mission, Deep Space Nine, (2 years)

Gavak was raised in a comfortable suburb of Tellar's capital city. He was always interested in police and detective stories including Sherlock Holmes of Earth, T'Sera of Vulcan and and Grantaq of Tellar. This interest led him to join Starfleet Security. He recently completed a two year tour of duty on Deep Space Nine under Constable Odo following the retaking of the Bajor system.

Personality & Appearance
Lt. Gavak is a typically gruff Tellarite who delights in playing "devil's advocate." He usually takes the "bad cop" role to Commander Samson's "good cop" in security interrogations and plays the role well. Off-duty, he is generally good-natured, but enjoys a friendly argument on just about any subject. Short and stocky as are all Tellarites, he is given to being overweight and is often on a diet and workout regimen, although he sometimes cheats with a large serving of Yigrish cream pie.

Author's Notes
Gavak could fit into any campaign, especially a station-based one which involves a lot of interaction with shady characters in the mold of Quark or Harry Mudd.

Submitted by Owen E. Oulton

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