Lock onto some of the following sites:
Mad Irishman Productions
Patrick Murphy's homepage of many excellent PDF files.
Renowned RPG artist and contributor of many graphic
renderings found in our Discussion Boards.
Wilson Trull
Artist and designer of the TrekRPGNet
logo concept.
The Seventh Order
Dedicated site to the Cardassians and online Cardassian role playing.
Trek Ships
Everything you ever wanted to know about any ship in Star Trek.
John's Star Trek RPG
Another fine page with information on the RPG.
Former home of the "trekrpg" mailing list and much more.
An informational website for a game of Star Trek: The Next
Generation RPG.
The Blue Room
Sounds Rated-R but it isn't! Homepage of S. John Ross, writer of role
playing products and for Last Unicorn Games. While there, check out his very handy
"Mirror, Mirror" Universe game aid!
A Play-by-E-Mail (PBEM) game (I think) of Star Trek: The
Next Generation RPG using the LUGTrek rules.
Star Trek: Colony
An informational website for a game of Star Trek: The Next
Generation RPG in London, England. Make sure to check out the opening
U.S.S. Enterprise-F Sim Page
A Trek sim site with lots of extra information of interest to
Trek gamers.
Star Trek: A New Beginning
A site about a Star Trek: The Next Generation RPG
game with lots of great information. Includes house rules, new ships and equipment,
and even a little humor!
Greg's Star Trek RPG Home Page
A site with plenty of useful information. Devoted to a long-
running Star Trek game.
Vulcan Language Institute
If you ever wanted to know about the Vulcan language and culture,
this is the place for you. The organization has been in operation for twenty years!
U.S.S. Intrepid
Home to a Star Trek and Sci Fi Club with lots of useful info on a
lot of subjects in the Trek universe.
Deep Space 10
Home of a Play-by-E-Mail (PBEM) game set at Deep Space Ten
(formerly known as Empok Nor). Uses the Last Unicorn Games ICON system.
U.S.S. Venture
Home of a Play-by-E-Mail (PBEM) game set
on the Galaxy-class U.S.S. Venture. Uses the Last Unicorn Games ICON system.
Star Trek: Liberty
Joseph Manno's Star Trek fiction site. Features a very
stylish crew manifest, timeline, and full ICON stats for the featured ship, the U.S.S. Liberty.
Trek: The Lost Episodes
Last Unicorn Games writer Steve Kenson's chapters from
5 unpublished sourcebooks: Ash & Iron: The Cardassians, Blood
& Honor: The Klingons, Merchants & Traders, The
Starfleet Security Handbook, and Through a Glass Darkly: the
Mirror Universe. There's a lot of material here -- 15 chapters'
worth! And all right on the border of being official.
Last Unicorn Games writer S. John Ross's unpublished
LUGTrek work. Includes species info from Final Frontiers (the
Movie Era sourcebook), Rigel III info from Sky Princes of Orion, a
bit about Mirror Andoria from the Mirror Universe book, and
Narrators' advice from Blood & Honor, Starfleet Security,
Merchants & Traders, and To Boldly Go.
Far Realms Gaming Archive
Fan-created site that, while currently slightly sparse on information, shows great
promise as a storehouse of useful info and other goodies for LUGTrek and more!
Starship Deck Plans
Owen Oulton's superb site dedicated to the Oberth-class
starship. Contains deck plans and full game statistics.
Bob Range's online campaign using a hybrid of LUGTrek, FASA,
and GURPS. This site puts the Microsoft Network's website hosting features to
good use, providing campaign information, a bulletin board, image downloads, a
chat room, personnel bios, and more.
Trek: New Worlds
James Kikland's Play-by-E-Mail (PBEM) gaming site. Set just
after the Deep Space Nine series in the year 2377. A place for both new and
veteran players who like to play for fun and not for politics.
Daniel Stack's site for his LUGTrek campaign. Contains info
about the ship as well as mission logs for the adventures the group has played.
There's also a link to similar writeups on Dan's previous campaign on the U.S.S.
H.G. Wells.
Big Bad Ferengi/Orion Equipment Price Guide
William B. Swift's analysis of economy in Star Trek. William
discusses money (or the absense thereof), credits, exchange
rates, Latinum, and replicators. He also provides a comprehensive price list
that covers possibly every piece of equipment to appear in a LUGTrek rulebook!
Trek Game Indexes
Haiiro's gaming resource site includes a number of indexes of
LUGTrek material, including templates, overlays, skills,
advantages, and disadvantages from all of the TNG and DS9-era products.
Have a site to add? Send a transmission to the Webmaster.
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