New Skill: Shapeshifting
By Ryan Scott

Shapeshifting (Coordination)
Species which have the Shapeshifter Advantage must take the Shapeshifting Skill to fully utilize their abilities.  This skill represents how well a shape shifter can visually mimic other species or shapes.  It cannot be used unskilled or by species without the Shapeshifter Advantage.

Automatic:  Assuming a simple shape with few details

Routine:  Fooling someone unfamiliar with the race being imitated

Moderate:  Assuming the shape of a member of a species familiar to the target

Challenging:  Impersonating a specific person

Difficult:  Impersonating someone the target knows for a brief time

Nearly Impossible:  Impersonating someone the target knows very well for an extended period of time

Specializations:  Specific species, animals, inanimate objects

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